Manuel: personnalisation des pages

This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Page customizations and the translation is 28% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Ce pages n'existent pas dans l'habillage vanilla MediaWiki et dont les fichiers de définition d'interface (dans n'importe quelle langue) n'existent pas encore. Si vous voulez éviter des liens rompus dans l'interface de votre wiki, vous devez soit créer ces pages, soit modifier les messages, voir Fixing pages ci-dessous pour plus de détails.

Voici les messages d'un MediaWiki par défaut qui référence les pages (tous ne sont pas utilisés sur, d'où certains liens rouges dans ce tableau).

Messages de l'interface Valeur par défaut Lié depuis
MediaWiki:aboutpage Project:About Pied de page
MediaWiki:copyrightpage Project:Copyrights Mode edition
MediaWiki:disambiguationspage (Remplacé par Extension:Disambiguator en 1.22) Template:disambig Nowhere (it's not a link)
MediaWiki:disclaimerpage Project:General disclaimer Pied de page
MediaWiki:edithelppage Editing help link under edit box.
MediaWiki:helppage Help link on the sidebar.
MediaWiki:faqpage Project:FAQ Used only by CologneBlue skin.
MediaWiki:grouppage-bot {{ns:project}}:Bots Special:ListGroupRights
MediaWiki:grouppage-bureaucrat {{ns:project}}:Bureaucrats Special:ListGroupRights
MediaWiki:grouppage-sysop {{ns:project}}:Administrators Special:ListGroupRights
MediaWiki:helplogin-url (new in 1.22) Special:UserLogin
MediaWiki:mainpage Main page Nowhere (defines the main page)
MediaWiki:policy-url (new since r119724) Project:Policy ??
MediaWiki:privacypage Project:Privacy policy Footer
"(namespace-X|action name|special page name)-helppage" system message Projet:Aide Domaine Public pages Indicators of several special pages and some actions or namespaces.

On your local System messages special page you can search for interface strings using these page definitions.

Corriger la page

To fix these broken links, you (or an administrator on your wiki) can:

Create the missing page
Just visit it on your wiki, create it and start writing. has suitable help material you can paste or import into your wiki. You can make the page a #REDIRECT to another page.
Link to a different page
Edit the interface message by visiting its page in the MediaWiki: namespace and change it to a different page title, or possibly an external URL.
Remove the link
You can edit the message to not have a link. In some cases you need to rephrase or blank out a different interface message(s) that incorporate the interface message with the URL. For example, helplogin-url is the link in userlogin-helplink, so if you don't wish to provide this guidance, you can blank out MediaWiki:userlogin-helplink. Since removing the text in a message resets it to the default for your language, you should blank out a message by changing it to an HTML comment such as <!-- blank since this wiki does not currently provide login assistance -->