
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Page content models and the translation is 22% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
content pages vs. non-content pages lásd: Manual:Using custom namespaces#Content namespaces.

A MediaWiki 1.21-ben bevezetett ContentHandler lehetővé teszi a wikiszövegtől eltérő új tartalommodellek létrehozását. It makes it possible for wiki pages to be composed of data other than wikitext, and represented in any way — for example: Markdown, reStructuredText, icalendar, or a custom XML format. The display and editing of these content models can be handled in custom ways (e.g. different syntax highlighting, or whole new data-entry forms).

This page steps through how to create a new content model in an extension. It assumes some familiarity with general extension development practices. For a brief summary of the requirements, see the Summary section at the bottom of this page.

A meaningless "Goat" content model will be used for the examples. You can also examine the DataPages extension, which is part of Extension:Examples .

Figyelem Figyelem: Some sections of this page are outdated. In MW 1.38, Content::getParserOutput and AbstractContent::fillParserOutput were hard-deprecated in favour of ContentRenderer::getParserOutput. Extensions defining a content model should override ContentHandler::fillParserOutput.


Először add hozzá a tartalommodell nevét és kezelőosztályát extension.json fájlodhoz:

"ContentHandlers": {
	"goat": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\GoatExt\\GoatContentHandler"
  • A bal érték a tartalomtípus neve, ez bármilyen egyedi karakterlánc lehet, amit szeretnél, és az öt beépített tartalomtípus – 'wikitext', 'JavaScript', 'CSS', 'plain text', 'JSON' – mellett található. Ezt az értéket a felhasználók megtekinthetik olyan helyeken, mint például a Special:ChangeContentModel vagy a lapinformációk.
  • A jobb érték a ContentHandlert kiterjesztő osztály teljes neve.

Ez két osztály, a \MediaWiki\Extension\GoatExt\GoatContent és \MediaWiki\Extension\GoatExt\GoatContentHandler létrehozását igényli (biztosítsd, hogy névterük szerepel a AutoloadNamespacesben). További információk ezen osztályokról alább találhatók.

Opcionális tartalommodell-konstansok

A fenti „goat” karakterlánc a tartalommodell azonosítója (a kódban általában $modelId), és általában konstansként definiálják. E konstansok minden beépített tartalommodellre értelmezve vannak, és sok dokumentáció a CONTENT_MODEL_XXX konstansokra hivatkozik. Ha nem definiáltad őket, ez kicsit zavaró lehet. A definíciót az extension.json callback elemében kell meghatározni. Például:


"callback": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\GoatExt\\Hooks::registrationCallback"


namespace MediaWiki\Extension\GoatExt;
class Hooks {
    public static function registrationCallback() {
        // Must match the name used in the 'ContentHandlers' section of extension.json
        define( 'CONTENT_MODEL_GOAT', 'goat' );

Nem szükséges így csinálni, használhatod csak a karakterláncot.

Tartalommodellek hozzárendelése a lapokhoz

Pages can have their content type manually changed, but it's useful to have them default to the correct one. Two common ways of doing this are by namespace, and by file extension.

By namespace

If you want an entire wiki namespace to have a default content model, you can define it as such in extension.json:

"namespaces": [
		"id": 550,
		"constant": "NS_GOAT",
		"name": "Goat",
		"subpages": false,
		"content": true,
		"defaultcontentmodel": "goat"
		"id": 551,
		"constant": "NS_GOAT_TALK",
		"name": "Goat_talk",
		"subpages": true,
		"content": false,
		"defaultcontentmodel": "wikitext"

Note that published extensions should register the namespace IDs they use (550 and 551 above) on the extension default namespaces page.

By file extension

If you want to determine the content type by the addition of a quasi-file-type suffix on the wiki page name, you can use the ContentHandlerDefaultModelFor hook. For example:

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\GoatExt;
use MediaWiki\Revision\Hook\ContentHandlerDefaultModelForHook;

class Hooks implements ContentHandlerDefaultModelForHook {
	public function onContentHandlerDefaultModelFor( $title, &$model ) {
		// Any page title (in any namespace) ending in '.goat'.
		$ext = '.goat';
		if ( substr( $title->getText(), -strlen( $ext ) ) === $ext ) {
			// This is the constant you defined earlier.
			// If you change the content model, return false.
			return false;
		// If you don't change it, return true.
		return true;


The next thing to define is the GoatContentHandler class, which is where we also specify what format this content type will be stored as (in this case, text). ContentHandlers don't know anything about any particular page content, but determine the general structure and storage of the content.


namespace MediaWiki\Extension\GoatExt;

class GoatContentHandler extends \ContentHandler {

	public function __construct( $modelId = 'goat' ) {
		parent::__construct( $modelId, [ CONTENT_FORMAT_TEXT ] );

	public function serializeContent( \Content $content, $format = null ) {

	public function unserializeContent( $blob, $format = null ) {

	public function makeEmptyContent() {
		return new GoatContent();

	public function supportsDirectEditing() {
		return true;

Content The GoatContent class is the representation of the content's data, and does not know anything about pages, revisions, or how it is stored in the database. Beside the required seven inherited methods, you can add other public methods are domain-specific; in this case we want to be able to retrieve the goat's name.


namespace MediaWiki\Extension\GoatExt;

class GoatContent extends \AbstractContent {

	public function __construct( $modelId = 'goat' ) {
		parent::__construct( $modelId );

	public function getTextForSearchIndex() {

	public function getWikitextForTransclusion() {

	public function getTextForSummary( $maxLength = 250 ) {

	public function getNativeData() {

	public function getSize() {

	public function copy() {

	public function isCountable( $hasLinks = null ) {

	public function getName() {
		return 'Garry';

Szerkesztési forma

Now we've got the skeleton set up, we'll want to try editing a Goat. To do this, we create GoatContentHandler::getActionOverrides() and specify what actions we want to map to what classes. To start with, we'll just deal with 'edit' (which corresponds to ?action=edit in the URL).

	public function getActionOverrides() {
		return [
			'edit' => GoatEditAction::class,

And we'll create our new GoatEditAction class, basically the same as the core EditAction but using our own GoatEditPage:


namespace MediaWiki\Extension\GoatExt;

class GoatEditAction extends \EditAction {

	public function show() {
		$editPage = new GoatEditPage( $this->getArticle() );
		$editPage->setContextTitle( $this->getTitle() );


Our new GoatEditPage class is where the action happens (excuse the pun):


namespace MediaWiki\Extension\GoatExt;

class GoatEditPage extends \MediaWiki\EditPage\EditPage {

	protected function showContentForm() {
		$out = $this->context->getOutput();

		// Get the data.
		$name = $this->getCurrentContent()->getGoatName();

		// Create the form.
		$nameField = new \OOUI\FieldLayout(
			new \OOUI\TextInputWidget( [ 'name' => 'goat_name', 'value' => $name ] ),
			[ 'label' => 'Name', 'align' => 'left' ]
		$out->addHTML( $nameField );


You should now be able to edit a page and see your form. But when you put data into it, and hit 'preview', you'll see that things are not yet working fully and that you get no output, nor is your submitted text shown again in the form.

So we must override the 'submit' action as well, with a new GoatSubmitAction class and the addition of 'submit' => GoatSubmitAction::class, to our GoatContentHandler::getActionOverrides() method. Our GoatSubmitAction class should be the same as that of core, but inheriting from our GoatEditAction.


A content model is responsible for producing any required output for display. This usually involves working with its data and producing HTML in some way, to add to the parser output.


namespace MediaWiki\Extension\GoatExt;

class GoatContentHandler extends \AbstractContentHandler {

	protected function fillParserOutput(
		Title $title, $revId, ParserOptions $options, $generateHtml, ParserOutput &$output
	) {
		// e.g. $output->setText( $html );


Display a description/documentation

Sometimes you may want to display some information or some documentation for a wiki page that has a custom content model such as JSON. There are no system messages to display text above such pages (except for MediaWiki:Clearyourcache displayed above only JavaScript and CSS pages). You may want to see phab:T206395 for further details.

Comparing revisions

The GoatDifferenceEngine class is the representation of the difference between goat contents. We override the default generateContentDiffBody method to generate a diff.


namespace MediaWiki\Extension\GoatExt;

class GoatDifferenceEngine extends \DifferenceEngine {

	public function generateContentDiffBody( Content $old, Content $new ) {

In order to tell MediaWiki to use our GoatDifferenceEngine, we overwrite the getDiffEngineClass in our GoatContentHandler.


namespace MediaWiki\Extension\GoatExt;

class GoatContentHandler extends \ContentHandler {

	public function getDiffEngineClass() {
		return GoatDifferenceEngine::class;


To implement a new content model with a custom editing form, create the following:


namespace MediaWiki\Extension\GoatExt;

class GoatContent extends \AbstractContent  {
	public function __construct( $modelId = 'goat' ) {
	public function getTextForSearchIndex() {}
	public function getWikitextForTransclusion() {}
	public function getTextForSummary( $maxLength = 250 ) {}
	public function getNativeData() {}
	public function getSize() {}
	public function copy() {}
	public function isCountable( $hasLinks = null ) {}

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\GoatExt;

class GoatContentHandler extends \ContentHandler {	
	public function __construct( $modelId = CONTENT_MODEL_GOAT, $formats = ['text/x-goat'] ) {
		parent::__construct($modelId, $formats);
	protected function getContentClass() {}
	public function supportsDirectEditing() {}
	public function serializeContent( \Content $content, $format = null ) {}
	public function unserializeContent( $blob, $format = null ) {}
	public function makeEmptyContent() {}
	public function getActionOverrides() {}
	protected function fillParserOutput( \Title $title, $revId, \ParserOptions $options, $generateHtml, \ParserOutput &$output) {}



Action Example
Define a content model id (al. content type) and content model constant goat
Choose your preferred mechanism of applying a content model:
(a) By namespace. Define namespace constants, ids and names
given any of them is not already taken
NS_GOAT (id: 550, name 'Goat')
NS_GOAT_TALK (id: 551, name: 'Goat talk')
(b) By extension in pagename .goat
(c) Other through 'Page information' interface (&action=info)
ContentHandlers - register a ContentHandler subclass for the new content model
"ContentHandlers": {
	"goat": "GoatExt\\GoatContentHandler"
callback - name your class method for callbacks, conventionally in your Hooks file
"callback": "GoatExt\\Hooks::registrationCallback"
Hooks - provide a hook method for ContentHandlerDefaultModelFor
"Hooks": {
   "ContentHandlerDefaultModelFor": [ "GoatExt\\Hooks::onContentHandlerDefaultModelFor" ]
namespaces - define namespaces with the appropriate value for defaultcontentmodel.

For more options, use ContentHandlerDefaultModelFor hook instead.

"namespaces": [
		"id": 550,
		"constant": "NS_GOAT",
		"name": "Goat",
		"subpages": false,
		"content": false,
		"defaultcontentmodel": "goat"
		"id": 551,
		"constant": "NS_GOAT_TALK",
		"name": "Goat_talk",
		"subpages": true,
		"content": false,
		"defaultcontentmodel": "wikitext"
AutoloadNamespaces - load Content and ContentHandler subclasses in subdirectory
"AutoloadNamespaces": {
   "GoatExt\\": "includes/"
[[Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Extension.json/Schema#AutoloadClasses|]] - load Content and ContentHandler subclasses explicitly
"AutoloadClasses": {
   "GoatExt\\Hooks": "includes/Hooks.php",
   "GoatExt\\GoatContent": "includes/GoatContent.php",
   "GoatExt\\GoatContentHandler": "includes/GoatContentHandler.php"
Hooks file GoatExt\\Hooks
Add method for the callback
public static function registrationCallback() {
   // Must match the name used in the 'ContentHandlers' section of extension.json
   define( 'CONTENT_MODEL_GOAT', 'goat' );
Add method for the ContentHandlerDefaultModelFor hook for wiki pages in the intended namespace
public function onContentHandlerDefaultModelFor( $title, &$model ) {
   if ( $title->inNamespace( NS_GOAT ) {
      $model = CONTENT_MODEL_GOAT;
      return false;
   return true;
Or add method for the ContentHandlerDefaultModelFor hook for wiki pages with the intended file extension
public function onContentHandlerDefaultModelFor( $title, &$model ) {
   $ext = '.goat';
   if ( substr( $title->getText(), -strlen( $ext ) ) === $ext ) {
      $model = CONTENT_MODEL_GOAT;
      return false;
   return true;
Content and ContentHandler subclasses
Add a Content subclass by extending AbstractContent or one of the subclasses available (e.g. TextContent )
namespace GoatExt;

class GoatContent extends \AbstractContent {

	public function __construct( $modelId = 'goat' ) {
		parent::__construct( $modelId );

	public function getTextForSearchIndex() {

	public function getWikitextForTransclusion() {

	public function getTextForSummary( $maxLength = 250 ) {

	public function getNativeData() {

	public function getSize() {

	public function copy() {

	public function isCountable( $hasLinks = null ) {

   // etc. See documentation for details.
Add a ContentHandler subclass by extending either ContentHandler or one of its subclasses (e.g. TextContentHandler or CodeContentHandler )
namespace GoatExt;

class GoatContentHandler extends \ContentHandler {

	public function __construct( $modelId = 'goat' ) {
		parent::__construct( $modelId, [ CONTENT_FORMAT_TEXT ] );

	public function serializeContent( \Content $content, $format = null ) {

	public function unserializeContent( $blob, $format = null ) {

	public function makeEmptyContent() {
		return new GoatContent();

	public function supportsDirectEditing() {
		return true;

    protected function fillParserOutput(
		Title $title, $revId, ParserOptions $options, $generateHtml, ParserOutput &$output
	) {
		// e.g. $output->setText( $html );

    // etc. See documentation for details
Compare revisions Override ContentHandler::getDiffEngineClass() and DifferenceEngine::generateContentDiffBody()
Modify associated actions such as 'edit' Override ContentHandler::getActionOverrides() and EditAction::show()

See also