Thành viên tự xác nhận
Autoconfirmed users are wiki users who are members of the “Thành viên tự xác nhận” user group. This is a special user group which is allocated automatically based on certain criteria.
The criteria are as follows:
(Interval of elapsed time (in number of seconds) since the creation of the account to qualify)
(number of edits that an account needs to have made to qualify)
BOTH criteria need to be satisfied for an account to be automatically promoted to the “Thành viên tự xác nhận” user group.
What rights autoconfirmed users have is controlled via $wgGroupPermissions
By default, autoconfirmed users may:
- Không bị ảnh hưởng bởi mức giới hạn tần suất sử dụng theo địa chỉ IP, i.e. not be considered “newbies” for purposes of
- Sửa trang bị khóa ở mức “Allow only autoconfirmed users”
You can override these via $wgGroupPermissions .
Note that temporary account users cannot be assigned to user groups, including the "Autoconfirmed users" group.
See also
- Manual:Setting user groups in MediaWiki
- $wgAutopromote – for creating user groups with other automatic promotion criteria