
This page is a translated version of the page Help:Extension:Kartographer and the translation is 43% complete.
PD Megjegyzés: Amikor szerkeszted ezt a lapot, beleegyezel a szerkesztésed CC0 alatti közzétételébe. Lásd a Public Domain Help Pages lapot további információkért. PD

Fő segítséglapok:

A Kartographer kiterjesztés lehetővé teszi interaktív és statikus térképek létrehozását a Wikimédia wiki oldalakon. Ez az oldal egy részletes leírás a Kartographer használatáról, beleértve a számos lehetőséget, amelyek a következő címkék használatakor rendelkezésre állnak: ‎<mapframe>, amely közvetlenül a wiki oldalakba ágyazza a térképeket, és ‎<maplink>, amely linkeket hoz létre egész oldalas interaktív térképekre, és kitér a GeoJSON Kartographer által támogatott elemeire. Az oldal alján rengeteg példát találsz.

A Kartographerrel és az OpenStreetMaps-szel kapcsolatos segítségért nézd meg ezt: Help:Extension:Kartographer/OSM .

A Kartographer használata

Oldalak keresése Kartographerrel

To find pages containing Kartographer maps, you can search for insource:mapframe.

Show nearby articles

The button "Show nearby articles" in the full-size map view
Nearby articles and manually added red markers on a Kartographer map

In full-screen mode, you can click on the button “Show nearby articles” to see up to 300 geographically close articles as markers on the map. Multiple pins at the same location are clustered into groups when zooming out and unclustered when zooming in.

As soon as you move the map with the mouse or zoom in and out, a "reload results" button appears to show more nearby articles.

The nearby articles are generated from the wiki you are currently in, taking into account relevance and proximity. Markers for nearby articles are round. They are shown in addition to any markers that have been manually added, which have a different shape.

When you click on the marker of a nearby article, a pop-up shows the title, a brief description and an image of the article. Click on the title to go to the article. If the article is linked to an entry on Wikidata, the pop-up displays a brief description from Wikidata. To hide the nearby articles on the map, click the button “Show nearby articles” again.

Projektlap (angol)

Térképek készítése Kartographerrel

Alapvető térképszintaxis

Egy térkép vagy térkép link elhelyezéséhez közvetlenül egy wiki oldalon, a Kartographer két elemet kínál: ‎<mapframe>, amely beágyazza a térképet, amely egy teljes képernyős interaktív térképre hivatkozik, és ‎<maplink>, amely gazdag szöveget hoz létre (opcionális jelöléssel), amely egy teljes képernyős interaktív térképre hivatkozik.

Néhány wiki ezeket az elemeket sablonokba csomagolja, mint például a Mapbox és a Mapframe. Nézd meg a helyi wiki Kartographer súgó oldalát, hogy van-e a wikidnek sablonja -- vagy használd közvetlenül az elemeket és ezt a dokumentumot csak útmutatóként.


San Francisco museums

A ‎<mapframe> elem beágyazza a térképet egy wiki oldalba. Az elemnek vagy üresnek kell lennie, vagy GeoJSON-t kell tartalmaznia. A GeoJSON írásával kapcsolatos további forrásokért lásd alább.

<mapframe text="San Francisco museums" width="350" height="350" zoom="13" longitude="-122.3988" latitude="37.8013" />


A ‎<maplink> elem egy teljes képernyős térképre mutató linket hoz létre.

<maplink zoom="13" latitude="46.204391" longitude="6.143158"/>

46°12′16″N 6°8′35″E

Tulajdonságai és használata lényegében megegyezik az ‎<mapframe>-éval; a kisebb különbségeket lásd alább.


Az alábbiakban találsz egy listát a ‎<mapframe> és ‎<maplink> attribútumokról.

Szigorúan véve az egyetlen szükséges attribútum (a táblázatban *-gal jelölve) a width' és a height; a hely megadása nélkül a Kartographer a megadott méretű, kicsinyített világtérképet fogja létrehozni az oldalon.

Ha a zoom' nincs megadva, a Kartographer a térképen lévő jelölések vagy geoformák pozíciója alapján egy becsült automatikus zoomolási mértéket alkalmaz.

Használat az egyes címkéken belül:

  • attribute="value"
Attribútum Érték Leírás Példa
width* pixel, "full" A térképkeret szélessége. "100%" also works as an alias for "full", but no other percentage. width=200, width="full"
height* pixel A térképkeret magassága. height=300
zoom 0-19 A térkép részletességének szintje. A 0. nagyítási szint a teljes rendelkezésre álló térképet jeleníti meg, a 19. nagyítási szint pedig a legnagyobb részletességű térképet. Ha a zoom nincs megadva, a Kartographer a jelen lévő jelölések vagy geoformák helyzete alapján egy becslés szerinti automatikus nagyítási szintet alkalmaz. zoom=12
latitude, longitude tizedes fok A földi helyzet. Részletes információkért lásd ezt a szócikket a GIS wikiben. Ha nincs megadva, a Kartographer megpróbálja a középpontot a cikk tartalmából levezetni. latitude=46.204391 longitude=6.143158
align "left", "center", "right" A térképkeret vízszintes pozíciója az oldalon. Ennek az értéknek az alapértelmezett értékét az oldal nyelvének irányultsága határozza meg (RTL: "balra"; LTR: "jobbra"). A "bal" vagy "jobb" érték esetén a wiki egyéb tartalma a térkép körül fog folyni (lásd a Help:Képek megfelelő szakaszát. align="right"
mapstyle "osm", "osm-intl" Az alaptérkép stílusa. Jelenleg a Wikimédia-wikiken két stílus érhető el: egy feliratokkal (osm-intl) és egy feliratok nélkül (osm). mapstyle="osm"
lang Nyelvkód, "local" A térképcímkék és -jelzők nyelve. A "local" a térképen megjelenített terület nyelvét használja. Megjegyzés: Nem minden címke érhető el minden nyelven. Lásd még #Languages_and_fallbacks. lang="es"
alt alternative text Defines the alternative text for generated image of maps. Only works for wikis with wgKartographerStaticMapframe enabled. alt="Street map of Manhattan. The Empire State building is marked in the middle of the island, just south of Central Park."
text wikitext
Felirat a térképkeret alatt. A frameless attribútumot figyelmen kívül hagyja, ha meg van adva.
Meghatározza annak a linknek a szövegét, amelyre kattintva megjelenik a teljes képernyős térkép (Példa). Ha a nincs egyedi szöveg megadva, a link szövege a térkép középpontjának koordinátáiként jelenik meg (pl. 12°18′0″N 45°36′0″E).
text="Map of New York marking the location of the Empire State Building"
frameless ignored
Csak ‎<mapframe>
A beágyazott térképet keret (szegély) nélkül rajzolja, hasonlóan a keret nélküli képekhez. Figyelmen kívül hagyva, ha a text attribútum be van állítva, ami keret rajzolását kényszeríti ki. Az elemet érték nélkül kell hozzáadni. Bármilyen értéket figyelmen kívül hagy. Especially note that frameless="0" will not work as expected. You have to delete the attribute instead.
class "no-icon"
Csak ‎<maplink>
Eltávolítja a link szövege előtt általában megjelenő jelölő ikont, pl. <maplink zoom="5" latitude="12.3" longitude="45.6" class="no-icon"/>.
* = required

Önzáró címkék

Ha nincs használva a GeoJSON, akkor a ‎<mapframe> és ‎<maplink> önálló önzáró elemként használható.


<mapframe width="350" height="350" zoom="13" longitude="-122.3988" latitude="37.8013" />

Beépített GeoJSON:

<mapframe width="350" height="350" zoom="13" longitude="-122.3988" latitude="37.8013">
  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-122.3988, 37.8013] },


Several groups of automatic counters

Az ‎<mapframe> és ‎<maplink> címkék lehetnek üresek vagy tartalmazhatnak érvényes GeoJSON-t, hogy a térképet jelölésekkel lássuk el, alakzatokat rajzoljunk, és maszk területet alkalmazzunk.

Ha részletesebben szeretnéd megismerni ezt az átfogó témát, olvasd el ezt a hasznos bevezetés a GeoJSON-ba, valamint a teljes GeoJSON specifikációt.

Examples below use the maplink tag. As previously mentioned, GeoJSON used for maplink may be used for mapframe with no change.


Komplex térkép – jelölő, cikkhivatkozás és kép

Maps that use GeoJSON may contain one or more markers to point out special locations. These markers are set using marker-specific keywords under the "properties" level in GeoJSON.

Kartographer supports the simplestyle specification with Maki icons, which are available under the CC0 license. See the full list of supported icons.

<maplink text="Colorado State Capitol with marker icon" longitude="-104.98491" latitude="39.73939" zoom="17">
    "type": "Feature", "properties": 
            "marker-symbol": "town-hall", 
            "marker-color": "46ea5f", 
            "marker-size": "medium"
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": [-104.98485267162323, 39.73928364167763] 

Eredmény: Colorado State Capitol with marker icon

Automatikus számlálók

Multiple markers on a map can be grouped and named using patterns and counters. Below is a summary of styling attributes for items placed on a map using GeoJSON. For more information, see the simplestyle spec.

Attribútum Érték Leírás Példa
marker-symbol ikonnév, "‑number", "‑letter" Determines whether the incremental marker labels proceed by number (1, 2, 3...) or letter (A, B, C...).

Az automatikus „-number” sorozatok 1–99 között vannak, a betűk A–Z-ig. If a group name is included like “-number-eat”, then multiple series are generated.
An icon name must be from this list.

"marker-symbol": "museum"
marker-color hexadecimal color A three- or six-character hexadecimal color value for each marker. "marker-color": "#228b22"
marker-size small, medium, large See examples of each size. "marker-size": "medium"
title wikitext When a marker is clicked, it will display wikitext specified in the "title" value. "title": "[[:en:Downtown_Aquarium,_Denver|Downtown Aquarium Denver]]"


description wikitext When a marker is clicked, it will display wikitext or an image specified in wikitext in the "description" value. "description": "[[File:Denver-DTA.jpg|150x150px]]"


For a rich variety of examples, see the Examples section.

Shapes, lines and points

GeoJSON allows you to add lines, geometric areas and points as annotations to your map. You can define them inline or import them from external databases.


GeoJSON allows you to draw points (markers), simple lines and geometric areas as part of your map definition. The following examples include the "geometry" attribute of GeoJSON objects inside a Feature object. Consult the full GeoJSON specification for more information.

Objektum Coordinates (long/lat) Map feature GeoJSON example Hatása
Point egy pozíció Marker
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
 [-122.629395, 45.505662]
LineString két vagy több pozíció Két pontot összekötő vonal
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
 [-122.321777, 47.598526],
 [-122.629395, 45.505662]
Polygon négy vagy több pozíció, az első és az utolsó azonos Árnyékolt belsejű sokszög
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
  [-122.365723, 48.209576],
  [-123.947754, 46.949528],
  [-122.695313, 44.776709],
  [-120.629883, 46.573148],
  [-122.365723, 48.209576]
Objektum Koordináták (hossz/szél) Map feature
MultiPoint multiple positions multiple points (markers)
MultiLineString multiple sets of LineString positions multiple lines
MultiPolygon multiple sets of Polygon positions több sokszög

Külső adatok

A geoshape of Alaska

GeoJSON allows you to import geographical objects from external sources using the "type" attribute with the value "ExternalData".

Maps can draw from well-known geographical objects by using their Wikidata ID (also via Wikidata SPARQL queries). The source for external polygons and lines is OpenStreetMap database, and marker coordinates are retrieved directly from Wikidata.

Additionally, maps can link directly to raw GeoJSON stored on Wikimedia Commons (.map files): see Help:Map Data for details.

Objects can be rendered using data from an external source in these different ways:

  • "service": "geopoint" - Draws a marker.
  • "service": "geoline" - Draws a simple line.
  • "service": "geoshape" - Draws a polygon with a shaded interior.
  • "service": "geomask" - Draws a polygon and shades everything outside the polygon.
  • "service": "page" - path to a .map file on Wikimedia Commons that contains valid GeoJSON.
External data cannot be versioned.
Attribútum Érték
type ExternalData
service geopoint, geoline, geoshape, or geomask
ids One or more Wikidata IDs, separated by commas

Polygons and lines in OpenStreetMap (OSM) database are linked using Wikidata IDs. Wikidata IDs are relatively new to the OSM community. As of early 2025 there are roughly 3.6 million elements with Wikidata IDs. You can add your own at – be sure to add the wikidata tag and the corresponding QID value. Polygon or line typically becomes available to Kartographer within two days. For detailed instructions, see Help:Extension:Kartographer/OSM .

Marker is drawn if linked Wikidata item has P625 coordinate statement.

Combined map of Salzburg and Elixhausen
Geopoints using QIDs Q667450 and Q15958518
<mapframe height="300" width="300" text="Combined map of Salzburg and Elixhausen">
  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "geoshape",
  "ids": "Q34713,Q701153"
<mapframe text="Geopoints using QIDs [[wikidata:Q667450|Q667450]] and [[wikidata:Q15958518|Q15958518]]" latitude="43.74" longitude="7.43" zoom="13" width="400" height="400">
  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "geopoint",
  "ids": "Q667450, Q15958518"

Attribute Value
type ExternalData
service geopoint, geoline, geoshape, or geomask
query a Wikidata SPARQL query
Variable names to use in Wikidata Query Service
Variable Allowed on Comment
?id geopoint, geoline, geoshape, or geomask Required
?title geopoint, geoline, geoshape, or geomask Gives a heading on a popup. Accepts wikitext.
?description geopoint, geoline, geoshape, or geomask Further text on a popup. Accepts wikitext.
?geo geopoint Should be coordinates.
Marker variables behaves like described in auto-counters.
?marker_symbol geopoint
?marker_size geopoint
?marker_color geopoint
Fill and stroke variables behaves like described in styling shapes.
?fill geoshape, or geomask
?fill_opacity geoshape, or geomask
?stroke geoline, geoshape, or geomask
?stroke_opacity geoline, geoshape, or geomask
?stroke_width geoline, geoshape, or geomask
If you want to the popups to contain images or links to the respective articles, you can retrieve these information and add them to title or description fields. See following examples for details.
Governors of US states with their party affiliation. (query builder)
<mapframe longitude="-110" latitude="52" zoom="3" width="400" height="300" text="Governors of US states with their party affiliation">
  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "geoshape",
  "query": "SELECT ?id ?head (SAMPLE(?img) as ?img_) (min(?partyId) as ?party) (if(?party = '0', '#800000', if(?party = '1', '#000080', '#008000')) as ?fill) (concat('[[w:', substr(str(?link),31,400),  '{{!}}', ?headLabel, ']]') as ?title) (concat(?stateLabel, '\\n', '[[File:', substr(str(?img_), 52, 400), '{{!}}200px]]') as ?description) WHERE { ?id wdt:P31 wd:Q35657 . ?id wdt:P6 ?head . ?head wdt:P102 ?party . BIND(if(?party = wd:Q29468, '0', if(?party = wd:Q29552, '1', '2')) as ?partyId) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' . ?head rdfs:label ?headLabel . ?id rdfs:label ?stateLabel . } OPTIONAL { ?head wdt:P18 ?img . } ?link schema:about ?head . ?link schema:isPartOf <> .} GROUP BY ?id ?head ?headLabel ?link ?stateLabel"
Public art in Hoogvliet, Rotterdam. (query builder)

Instead of a Wikidata Item ID, a map can also derive data from a Wikidata query in SPARQL. (You can create SPARQL queries using the Query Builder.)

<mapframe text="Public art in Hoogvliet, Rotterdam" latitude="51.86" longitude="4.36" zoom="13" width="400" height="400">
  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "geopoint",
  "query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?id ?geo (?idLabel as ?title) (if(BOUND(?image), concat(?typeLabel, '\\n', '[[File:', substr(str(?image), 52, 400), '{{!}}200px]]'), ?typeLabel) as ?description) (if(?type = wd:Q860861, '#800000', if(?type = wd:Q245117, '#000080', '#008000')) as ?marker_color) WHERE { ?id wdt:P136 wd:Q557141; wdt:P625 ?geo; wdt:P276* wd:Q2103147; wdt:P31 ?type. OPTIONAL {?id wdt:P18 ?image}. SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en, nl'. ?id rdfs:label ?idLabel. ?type rdfs:label ?typeLabel} .} ORDER BY ?id"
Hillforts in the Basque Country, with image, size and color
<mapframe width="400" height="300" text="Euskal Herriko kastroen mapa interaktiboa">
  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "geopoint",
  "marker-size": "small",
  "query": "SELECT ?id ?geo ?idLabel ?img ?herriaLabel (?idLabel as ?title) (concat(?herriaLabel, '\\n', '[[File:', substr(str(?img), 52, 400), '{{!}}200px]]') as ?description) ('small' as ?marker_size) ('#228b22' as ?marker_color) ('landmark-JP' as ?marker_symbol) WHERE {\n  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language \"eu,es,fr,en\". }\n  ?id wdt:P31 wd:Q744099.\n  ?id wdt:P131*/^wdt:P527 wd:Q47588;\n  wdt:P625 ?geo.\n  OPTIONAL { ?id wdt:P18 ?img .}\n  ?id wdt:P131 ?herria.\n}"

Térképadatok a Commonsból

A Commonsban tárolt GeoJSON-on belüli térképadatok feltüntethetők a térképen.

Attribútum Érték
type ExternalData
service page
title path to a .map file on Wikimedia Commons that contains valid GeoJSON.

For example: Neighbourhoods/ will draw from this map.

További információk: Help:Map Data
<mapframe width="300" height="400">
  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "page",
  "title": "Neighbourhoods/New York"
  Vigyázat: The map loader does not currently support chained ExternalData calls. If a resource of type ExternalData is fetched that itself relies on ExternalData references, loading will fail. See T155927 and T193458.
  Vigyázat: Filenames of .map files are limited to 400 characters in length and a file size of 2MiB. Keep this in mind when creating files for this purpose in Wikimedia Commons.

Mask layer
Map of Salzburg with mask

A mask is just an inside-out shape, specified in the same way but with the exterior of the shape shaded.

<mapframe align="right" height="420" width="420" latitude="47.7992" longitude="13.0482" zoom="11"  text="Map of Salzburg with mask">
  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "geomask",
  "ids": "Q34713",
  "properties": {
    "fill": "#555555",
    "fill-opacity": 0.5,
    "stroke": "#000000",
    "stroke-width": 1,
    "stroke-opacity": 1
Többszörös adattípusok kombinálása

You can combine ExternalData, Feature, and FeatureCollection objects together in the same ‎<mapframe> or ‎<maplink> element, for example to highlight features with titles and descriptions on top of externally sourced objects.

A Commonsból származó térképadatok kombinálhatók más adattípusokkal párhuzamos GeoJSON-részletekbe csoportosítással. See #Mixed types for various combinations.

Styling shapes

Interstate Highway I-696

In addition to the marker styling above, lines and areas support these simplestyle properties:

Attribútum Érték Leírás
stroke hexadecimal color A vonal vagy körvonal színe.
stroke-width pixel The thickness of the shape's line.
stroke-opacity 0.0-1.0 Defines the transparency of the shape's line. A setting of 1 draws a solid line; 0 is invisible; larger values (approaching 1) show less of the background through the line.
fill hexadecimal color The color used to fill in the shape.
fill-opacity 0.0-1.0 Defines the transparency of the fill area. A setting of 1 paints an opaque area within the shape; 0 is invisible; larger values (approaching 1) show less of the background through the fill area.

Egymást átfedő elemek

Azon térképelemek, amelyek egymást kitakarnák a térképen, abban a sorrendben vannak megrajzolva, amilyen sorrendben a kódba be lettek illesztve. Ha a térkép két olyan vonalat tartalmaz, amelyből az egyik kitakarná a másikat, akkor az először definiált vonal jelenik meg a második mellett. Ez minden, a térképre rajzoló elemre vonatkozik

<mapframe width="500" height="270" longitude="79.030" latitude="-24.794" zoom="8" align="center">
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {"fill": "#ff0000","fill-opacity": 0.7,"stroke-width": 0},
"geometry": {
 "type": "Polygon",
 "coordinates": [
   [77.926025390625, -25.150257104114733],
   [80.14251708984374, -25.150257104114733],
   [80.14251708984374, -24.43714786161562],
   [77.926025390625, -24.43714786161562],
   [77.926025390625, -25.150257104114733]
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {"stroke": "#fffa00","stroke-width": 5},
"geometry": {
 "type": "LineString",
 "coordinates": [
   [77.926025390625, -25.150257104114733],
   [80.14251708984374, -24.43714786161562]
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {"stroke": "#000000","stroke-width": 5},
"geometry": {
 "type": "LineString",
 "coordinates": [
   [77.926025390625, -24.43714786161562],
   [80.14251708984374, -25.150257104114733]

The code for the map above includes three elements, all of which use GeoJSON's "feature" functionality. The first feature is a "Polygon" - the red rectangle. This is followed by two "LineString" features. The yellow line is defined first, so it appears beneath the black line. Note that the hierarchy used to draw elements applies regardless of whether the data is raw GeoJSON or comes from a Wikidata ID or Commons data page.

The map below changes the order from that of the first example: the black line is defined first and is thus moved to the bottom of the stack:

GeoJSON resources

Editors and tools


A csoportok funkció csak a Wikivoyage-on érhető el'

The Wikivoyage project needs to display maps whose data is defined elsewhere on the page. There may be multiple points of interest (POI) defined with ‎<maplink> tags, all of which appear on a single common map on the side of the page. (See an example using the city of Salzburg.)

A csoportosítás lehetővé teszi a szerkesztőknek, hogy adatokat osszanak meg több ‎<mapframe> és ‎<maplink> címke között.

Normally, the data inside a ‎<mapframe> or ‎<maplink> tag is shown only on the map created by that tag and nowhere else.

But on Wikivoyage, if a ‎<maplink> tag includes the group="..." attribute, the data inside those tags will be placed into a named group alongside all the other data with the same group name. Tags with the same group name will display on a single map data; each tag incrementally adds data to the group.

Each ‎<mapframe> tag on a Wikivoyage tag displays an embedded map displaying the groups specified in its tag.

A map may also show additional groups by specifying the show="..." attribute. Multiple group names may be specified, separated by comma. A group name may only contain lower case Latin letters. This grid illustrates the data that will be shown for each tag.


<maplink>                               -- shows 1
<maplink group='food'>                  -- shows   2   4       8   10
<maplink group='bar'  show='bar'>       -- shows     3           9
<maplink group='food' show='bar'>       -- shows   2 3 4       8 9 10
<maplink              show='bar'>       -- shows     3   5       9
<maplink              show='food,bar'>  -- shows   2 3 4   6   8 9 10
<mapframe>                              -- shows             7
<mapframe group='food'>                 -- shows   2   4       8   10
<mapframe group='bar'  show='bar'>      -- shows     3           9
<mapframe group='food' show='bar'>      -- shows   2 3 4       8 9 10
<mapframe              show='bar'>      -- shows     3           9    11
<mapframe              show='food,bar'> -- shows   2 3 4       8 9 10    12
Wikivoyage pages also sometimes wrap the ‎<mapframe> and ‎<maplink> tags in templates. Consult Mapshape, Listing and See for a good starting place.

Languages and fallbacks

Kartographer maps get their labels from the open-source mapping project OpenStreetMap ( Alapértelmezés szerint a Kartographer megpróbálja a wiki nyelvén, ahol a beágyazott térkép van, megjeleníteni. If that language is not available, then the map will use the given wiki's configured fallback language, then the local language in the map region specified in the Kartographer map. If none of these are available, Kartographer will display no label.

You can specify the language to use for labels with the lang attribute and by setting its value to the desired language code Example: lang="ja" will display labels in Japanese, if available.

To use the language local to the map area, specify lang=local. For more information about using the local language in your labels, and about OpenStreetMap multilingual data in general, read this post. Kartographer maps get their data, including map label data in all available languages, from the open-source mapping project OpenStreetMap. If the map you want to display doesn't offer labels in the desired language, you can always add labels in that language by adding them yourself to OpenStreetMap. Note that country and city names are drawn from label nodes in OpenStreetMap, not from the data attached to boundary relations. To get started, see the OpenStreetMap Beginners’ Guide and these best practices in naming conventions.



San Francisco museums
<mapframe text="San Francisco museums" width="350" height="350" zoom="13" longitude="-122.3988" latitude="37.8013">
  "type": "Feature",
  "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-122.3988, 37.8013] },
  "properties": {
    "title": "[[w:Exploratorium|Exploratorium]]",
    "description": "[[File:Giant_Mirror_at_the_Exploratorium.jpeg|200px]]",
    "marker-symbol": "museum",
    "marker-size": "large",
    "marker-color": "0050d0"

Markers and counters

Colorado State Capitol with a town hall marker, article link and image

<maplink text="Colorado State Capitol with a town hall marker, article link and image" longitude="-104.98491" latitude="39.73939" zoom="17">
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": { "marker-symbol": "town-hall", "marker-color": "46ea5f", "marker-size": "medium", "title": "[[w:Colorado_State_Capitol|Colorado State Capitol]]", "description": "[[File:Coloradocapitolhill2.JPG|150px]]"},
      "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-104.98485267162323, 39.73928364167763] }

Numbered markers

Colorado State Capitol with a number marker

<maplink text="Colorado State Capitol with a number marker" longitude="-104.98491" latitude="39.73939" zoom="17">{ "type": "Feature", "properties": {  "marker-color": "228b22", "marker-symbol": "-number"}, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-104.98485267162323, 39.73928364167763] }}</maplink>

Lettered markers

Colorado State Capitol with a letter marker

<maplink text="Colorado State Capitol with a letter marker" longitude="-104.98491" latitude="39.73939" zoom="17">{ "type": "Feature", "properties": {  "marker-color": "508e33", "marker-symbol": "-letter"}, "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-104.98485267162323, 39.73928364167763] }}</maplink>

Several markers in a feature collection

Denver Amusements

<maplink text="Denver Amusements" longitude="-105.01247406005858" latitude="39.74956567318853" zoom="14"> {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features":  [{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-105.00768899917603, 39.74859230437501] }, "properties": { "title": "[[w:Pepsi_Center|Pepsi Center]]", "marker-color": "420617", "marker-symbol": "-letter-see", "marker-size":"small"} }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-105.01238822937012, 39.7526011757416] }, "properties": { "title": "[[w:Downtown_Aquarium%2C_Denver|Downtown Aquarium Denver]]", "marker-color": "508e33", "marker-symbol": "-letter-see","marker-size":"medium", "description": "[[File:Denver-DTA.jpg|150px]]" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-105.01247406005858, 39.74956567318853] }, "properties": { "title": "[[w:Confluence_Park|Confluence Park]]", "marker-color": "0d2751", "marker-symbol": "-letter-see", "marker-size":"large" } }, { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [-105.01646518707275, 39.74656303364532] }, "properties": { "title": "South Platte Bike Trail", "marker-color": "61b9e2", "marker-symbol": "-number-see", "marker-size":"medium" } },]}</maplink>

Groups of automatic counters
Several groups of automatic counters
<mapframe text="Several groups of automatic counters" width="350" height="350" zoom="13" longitude="-122.39902496337889" latitude="37.80151060070086">
  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "marker-symbol": "-number",
        "marker-color": "302060"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "marker-symbol": "-number",
        "marker-color": "302060"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "marker-symbol": "-number",
        "marker-color": "302060"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "marker-symbol": "-number",
        "marker-color": "302060"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "marker-symbol": "-number",
        "marker-color": "302060"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "marker-symbol": "-letter",
        "marker-color": "208020"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "marker-symbol": "-letter",
        "marker-color": "208020"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "marker-symbol": "-letter",
        "marker-color": "208020"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "marker-symbol": "-number-bar",
        "marker-color": "f01080"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "marker-symbol": "-number-bar",
        "marker-color": "f01080"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "marker-symbol": "-number-bar",
        "marker-color": "f01080"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [


Wikidata QID

State of Colorado, outlined

<maplink text="State of Colorado, outlined" zoom="7" > { "type": "ExternalData", "service": "geoshape", "ids": "Q1261" } </maplink>

Wikidata query
Governors of US states with their party affiliation
<mapframe longitude="-110" latitude="52" zoom="3" width="500" height="500" text="Governors of US states with their party affiliation">
  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "geoshape",
  "query": "SELECT ?id ?head (SAMPLE(?img) as ?img_) (min(?partyId) as ?party) (if(?party = '0', '#800000', if(?party = '1', '#000080', '#008000')) as ?fill) (concat('[[w:', substr(str(?link),31,500),  '{{!}}', ?headLabel, ']]') as ?title) (concat(?stateLabel, '\\n', '[[File:', substr(str(?img_), 52, 500), '{{!}}200px]]') as ?description) WHERE { ?id wdt:P31 wd:Q35657 . ?id wdt:P6 ?head . ?head wdt:P102 ?party . BIND(if(?party = wd:Q29468, '0', if(?party = wd:Q29552, '1', '2')) as ?partyId) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'en' . ?head rdfs:label ?headLabel . ?id rdfs:label ?stateLabel . } OPTIONAL { ?head wdt:P18 ?img . } ?link schema:about ?head . ?link schema:isPartOf <> .} GROUP BY ?id ?head ?headLabel ?link ?stateLabel"

Map data from Commons
<mapframe width="300" height="400">
  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "page",
  "title": "Neighbourhoods/New York"

Mixed types
Caderousse city wall
<mapframe text="Caderousse city wall" width="300" height="300" zoom="15" longitude="4.75600" latitude="44.10200">
    "type": "ExternalData",
    "service": "geoshape",
    "ids": "Q13518258",
    "properties": {
      "stroke": "#ffb100",
      "stroke-width": 6,
    "type": "Feature",
    "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [4.75566, 44.104498] },
    "properties": {
      "title": "Porte de Castellan"
    "type": "Feature",
    "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [4.75829, 44.10258] },
    "properties": {
      "title": "Porte Léon Roche"

Mixed types with markers
<mapframe width="300" height="300" zoom="12" longitude="-73.965278" latitude="40.782222">
    "type": "ExternalData",
    "service": "page",
    "title": "Neighbourhoods/New York"
    "type": "ExternalData",
    "service": "geoshape",
    "ids": "Q160409",
    "properties": {
      "fill": "#07c63e", "title": "Central Park"
    "type": "Feature",
    "properties": {"title": "Roosevelt Island", "marker-color": "f01080"},
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Point",
      "coordinates": [

Mixed types with SPARQL query
Manual railway and queried
<mapframe width="300" height="300" text="Manual railway and queried stations">
"type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "geopoint",
  "properties": {
        "marker-symbol": "rail",
        "marker-color": "302060" },
  "query": "SELECT ?id ?geo ?idLabel (?idLabel as ?title)  WHERE { ?id wdt:P81 wd:Q1760190 ; wdt:P31 wd:Q2175765; wdt:P625 ?geo . SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language 'sv'. } }"
  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "geoline",
  "properties": {
    "stroke": "#AA0000",
    "stroke-width": 3
  "ids": "Q119890957, Q119891049"

Formázási lehetőségek

The following table shows how a ‎<mapframe> map can be formatted for display on a wiki page. The table contains two columns: the first shows an interactive map via the ‎<mapframe> tag, and the second shows the rendering of an example image with the same options.

Opciók ‎<mapframe> formázása Kép formázása
  • Format: frame
  • Alignment: undefined
... text text text text text text ... ... text text text
text text text ...
  • Format: frame
  • Alignment: none
Not supported: see T157502. ... text text text
text text text ...
  • Format: frame
  • Alignment: left
... text text text text text text ... ... text text text
text text text ...
  • Format: frame
  • Alignment: center
... text text text text text text ... ... text text text
text text text ...
  • Format: frame
  • Alignment: right
... text text text text text text ... ... text text text
text text text ...
  • Format: frameless
  • Alignment: undefined
... text text text   text text text ...

Inconsistent, see T157640.
... text text text   text text text ...
  • Format: frameless
  • Alignment: none
Not supported: see T157502. ... text text text
text text text ...
  • Format: frameless
  • Alignment: left
... text text text   text text text ... ... text text text
text text text ...
  • Format: frameless
  • Alignment: center
... text text text   text text text ... ... text text text
text text text ...
  • Format: frameless
  • Alignment: right
... text text text   text text text ... ... text text text
text text text ...

Use the width value full in order to make the map take up the full width of the page.

<mapframe width="full" height="200" zoom="13" longitude="-122.39953994750977" latitude="37.81032643553478"></mapframe>
<mapframe width="full" height="200" zoom="13" longitude="-122.39953994750977" latitude="37.81032643553478" frameless></mapframe>



Interstate Highway I-696
<mapframe text="Interstate Highway I-696" width="300" height="300" longitude="-83.2297" latitude="42.4883" zoom="9">
  "type": "ExternalData",
  "service": "geoline",
  "ids": "Q2108",
  "properties": {
    "title": "Highway I-696",
    "description": "[[File:I-696 near M-10 in 1988.jpg|200px]]",
    "stroke": "#ffb100",
    "stroke-width": 8

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