Hi. Hope you will make a new branch of your extension soon ;)
Extension talk:SourceProtection/Flow
Hi @Sen-Sai loving your work. Unfortunately this great extension doesn't work in 1.38.
Deprecated: Use of userCan hook (used in SourceProtection::disableActions) was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.37. [Called from MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookContainer::run in C:\Bitnami\mediawiki-1.38.2-1\apps\mediawiki\htdocs\includes\HookContainer\HookContainer.php at line 137] in C:\Bitnami\mediawiki-1.38.2-1\apps\mediawiki\htdocs\includes\debug\MWDebug.php on line 377
MediaWiki internal error.
Thank you Christharp,
I will look into this..
SourceProtection is indeed not updated yet. Latest version supports the current LTS version 1.35x only. I've added it to the version information on the MW page just now. I will see if I can update the extension before the next LTS release in September, hopefully coming week!
It is strange though.. a deprecation message should only be a warning, not crash afaik.. hmm
Sorry, that is not what this extension does or can.
Thank you for making this important and useful plugin
Does this plugin prevent indexing of search robots like Google?
thank you
Ow this is nice. As I did not make the extension page, apparently I get no notifications. Sorry for not responding.
The answer is no. You'll have to restrict the page from being viewed to only users that have view access.
The extension prevents a user with no editing rights to view the source of a page.
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