WikibaseMediaInfo is an extension to Wikibase adding a MediaInfo entity for handling structured data about multimedia files.
The extension hooks into the File Page. It stores supplemental metadata (captions and depicts statements) about the file in a MediaInfo Entity. The user can view, create, edit, and delete this data.
- Ensure these extensions are installed and set up properly: CirrusSearch, Wikibase (Client and Repository), and WikibaseCirrusSearch.
- Stáhněte soubor/y a vložte je do adresáře pojmenovaného
ve vaší složceextensions/
Vývojáři a přispěvatelé kódu by si místo toho měli nainstalovat rozšíření from Git pomocí:cd extensions/
git clone - Při instalaci z Gitu spusťte Composer pro instalaci závislostí PHP zadáním
composer install --no-dev
v adresáři rozšíření. (Vyskytnou-li se nějaké komplikace, podívejte se na T173141.) - Na konec vašeho souboru LocalSettings.php přidejte následující kód:
wfLoadExtension( 'WikibaseMediaInfo' );
- Spusťte aktualizační skript, který automaticky provede všechny nezbytné databázové změny, jaké rozšíření vyžaduje.
- Configure as reqiured.
- Dokončeno – Přejděte na stránku Special:Version vaší wiki a zkontrolujte, zda bylo rozšíření úspěšně nainstalováno.
MediaInfo UI
MediaInfo entities are shown on, and can be edited from, their associated File page and while uploading a file via UploadWizard.
There are separate sections in the UI for editing captions and statements.
An editing interface is always shown for default properties (defaults are defined in config). On live Commons, depicts is the only default property — users are encouraged to describe what an image depicts. Statements with other properties can be added by the user at will.
MediaInfo Entity
A Wikibase entity that contains structured data about media files. It is stored in a slot on a File page and consists of
- an ID in the form Mxxx, where xxx is the id of the associated wiki page
- any number of captions (one per language)
- any number of statements
A short text describing a media file, plus its language. Used to provide a short description of the file (the same as 'labels' in Wikibase).
A single fact about a media file consisting of a key-value pair such as Licence=CC-BY-SA
or Depicts=Dog
Keys are always a property. Values can be any wikibase datatype.
Strictly, a wikibase 'statement' means a key-value pair (a 'claim') plus a rank (preferred
, normal
, or deprecated
) and zero or more documentary references.
We don't typically have documentary references for descriptions of files, and all statements have a normal
rank by default, so in MediaInfo, we prefer to use the term 'statement' instead of 'claim'.
A property is a file's property that can have a value - for example, 'depicts' (what an image is a picture of), 'resolution', 'created by', 'license'.
Each property has a unique id in wikibase in the form Pxxx
such as P123
An item is a concept, topic, or object with an ID - for example, on Wikidata, the CC0 license is Q6938433, physics is Q413 and the planet Earth is Q2.
Each item has a unique id in wikibase in the form Qxxx
such as Q123
A qualifier is a secondary statement that modifies the primary statement. For example, an image might have a tree in the foreground and the sea in the background, in which case it could have 2 'depicts' claims associated with it - 'depicts=tree(applies to part=foreground)' and 'depicts=sea(applies to part=background)'.
Search by caption
Users can search for files by their MediaInfo captions just as they would search for anything else. For example, if a user uploads a picture of the Eiffel Tower and enters 'Tour Eiffel' (French) and 'Eiffel Tower' (English) as multilingual file captions, the picture is findable by another user searching for either 'Eiffel Tower' or 'Tour Eiffel'.
Searching for claims/statements
Searching for claims/statements happens via WikibaseCirrusSearch keywords; for details, see:
Search implementation
When the File page is saved, the following MediaInfo data is written to the Elasticsearch index (all examples use Wikidata Property and Item IDs):
- Captions data in every language is stored in the
- Claims are stored in the format
as array elements in thestatement_keywords
field using the Wikibase property ID (and item ID, if the value is an item)
- , e.g., 'depicts house cat' is stored as P180=Q146
- Claims with qualifiers are stored in the
field along with their qualifiers in the formatpropertyID=value[qualifierPropertyID=qualifierValue]
. For example, the Mona Lisa painting (Wikidata item Q12418) depicts a sky (Q13217555) in the background (Wikidata property P518). If we arrange this data in a Wikibase claim, it would be: 'depicts sky, applies to part background', which would be stored asP180=Q12418[P518=Q13217555]
- Note that claims with qualifiers are also stored without the qualifier to increase their findability. So, for example, if someone entered the above claim-plus-qualifier, the claim
is also stored, so that someone can find the file by searching for 'depicts sky' alone, as well as by searching for 'depicts sky, applies to part background'.
- Claims data with qualifiers where the qualifier value is a quantity is stored in the
field in the formatpropertyID=value|quantity
, e.g., 'depicts human, quantity 1' is stored asP180=Q5|1
Note that not all claims are stored. A claim will be indexed in ElasticSearch only if ALL of the following conditions are true:
- The claim has a real value (i.e., its value is not 'no value' or 'unknown value') AND
- We know how to process its value for indexing. More value processors may be added in the future, but currently, we require the claim's value to be either a Q item ID, a string (alphanumeric), or a quantity (numeric) AND
- the claims's Wikidata property ID is NOT in a configurable list of excluded IDs (
$wgWBRepoSettings[ 'searchIndexPropertiesExclude' ]
) AND either its property ID is in a configurable list of property IDs that should be indexed ($wgWBRepoSettings[ 'searchIndexProperties' ]
) OR its property type is in a configurable list of property types that should be indexed ($wgWBRepoSettings[ 'searchIndexTypes' ]
Note that for a claim's quantities to be stored, the claim must meet all the criteria above AND the property ID for the quantity qualifier must be present in a configurable list of property IDs ($wgWBRepoSettings[ 'searchIndexQualifierPropertiesForQuantity' ]
MediaSearch search profile
Structured data (captions and statements) are now also included in the default search profile when searching (only) in the NS_FILE
Search terms like "dog" will also include files where the caption (in the user's language) contains "dog", or contains a statement P180=Q144
The Extension: WikibaseMediaInfo/MediaSearch subpage provides a more elaborate (technical) writeup of the MediaSearch search profile.
Extension configuration variables are sets of key-value pairs.
They are documented in more detail in WikibaseMediaInfo/extension.json
All config variables are added toLocalSettings.php
The following config options are available for this extension:
Config (in LocalSettings.php)
Default wikibase properties that will always be shown, allowing users to add/edit/delete values for them, on the File page/UploadWizard, regardless or not they already have a value. This is the depicts (P180) property on live Commons, as we want to encourage users to fill in values for this in particular. Value is an array of key-value pairs connecting a label name to an existing wikibase database ID.
['depicts' => 'P180']
URLs for pages where a user can learn more about particular wikibase properties - if there is a help URL for a particular property, then there will be a "learn more" link for that property that leads to the URL from the config.
['P180' => '']
Other Config
Enables MediaInfo data on UploadWizard when set totrue
PHPUnit tests are in tests/phpunit
. You can run tests not requiring the MediaWiki framework (located in tests/phpunit/composer
) by running composer test
This command also runs code style checks using PHPCS.
Tests relying on the MediaWiki framework (located in tests/phpunit/mediawiki
) must be run using MediaWiki core’s composer phpunit:entrypoint
JavaScript tests are located in tests/node-qunit
You can run tests from a terminal with npm run test:unit
Node version 6.x should be used.
See also
Toto rozšíření se používá na jednom nebo více projektech Wikimedia. Pravděpodobně to znamená, že rozšíření je stabilní a funguje dostatečně dobře, aby jej mohly používat weby s tak vysokou návštěvností. Vyhledejte tento název rozšíření v konfiguračních souborech CommonSettings.php a InitialiseSettings.php Wikimedie, abyste viděli, kde je nainstalováno. Úplný seznam rozšíření nainstalovaných na konkrétní wiki lze vidět na stránce wiki Special:Version. |
Toto rozšíření je zahrnuto v následujících wiki farmách/hostitelích a/nebo balíčcích: Toto není autoritativní seznam. Některé wiki farmy/hostitelé a/nebo balíčky mohou toto rozšíření obsahovat, i když zde nejsou uvedeny. Pro potvrzení se vždy obraťte na své wiki farmy/hostitele nebo balíček. |