
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:ShowRealUsernames and the translation is 22% complete.
发行状态: 稳定版
实现 特殊页面
描述 Extends Special:ListUsers to also show each user's real name and/or other user-specific information.
作者 Paul Lustgarten and RV1971
最新版本 1.4.0 (2018-04-17)
MediaWiki 1.30+
PHP 5.4+
许可协议 GNU通用公眾授權條款3.0或更新版本
  • $wgShowRealUsernamesFields
  • $wgShowRealUsernamesInline
  • showrealname
季度下載量 2 (Ranked 131st)

The ShowRealUsernames extension extends the user listings produced by Special:ListUsers to include the registered real name of each user, displayed immediately following the wiki user name, and/or other user-specific information.


  • 下载文件,并将解压后的ShowRealUsernames文件夹移动到extensions/目录中。
    开发者和代码贡献人员应从Git安装扩展,输入:cd extensions/
    git clone https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/ShowRealUsernames
  • 将下列代码放置在您的LocalSettings.php 的底部:
    wfLoadExtension( 'ShowRealUsernames' );
  •   完成 – 在您的wiki上导航至Special:Version,以验证已成功安装扩展。


To upgrade, simply install the new version at the place of the old one.

From versions before 1.2

Your existing configuration works as before, but you might like to take advantage of the new features.


By default, the user's real name is appended to the wiki name in Special:ListUsers. You can replace the wiki name with the real name by setting

$wgShowRealUsernamesInline = true;

in your LocalSettings.php.

The fields retrieved from the database by the ShowRealUsernames extension are configured in $wgShowRealUsernamesFields, which currently defaults to 'user_real_name', 'user_name', 'user_email'. You can customize this in your LocalSettings.php.

The system messages sru-realname-inline and sru-realname-append are provided to format the name. Parameters ($1, $2, …) are replaced by the fields defined in $wgShowRealUsernamesFields in the order of definition.

Only users having the showrealname right do see the real names. By default, this right is granted to all registered users. To restrict it to a group add something like the following lines to your LocalSettings.php:

$wgGroupPermissions['user']['showrealname'] = false;

$wgGroupPermissions['bureaucrat']['showrealname'] = true;


This extension operates automatically whenever the Special:ListUsers page is displayed.


These are the release notes for version 1.4.0. See Extension:ShowRealUsernames/History for older releases.

Configuration changes

The extension is now loaded using the wfLoadExtension() mechanism introduced in MediaWiki 1.25. It is therefore incompatible with older MediaWiki versions.


Removed closing ?> at end of files.

Alternative extension