![]() Freigabestatus: stabil |
![]() |
Einbindung | Spezialseite |
Beschreibung | Ermöglicht Wahlen, Abstimmungen und Umfragen |
Autor(en) | Tim StarlingDiskussion |
Letzte Version | 3.0.0 (Laufende Aktualisierungen) |
Kompatibilitätspolitik | Snapshots werden zusammen mit MediaWiki veröffentlicht. Der Master ist nicht abwärtskompatibel. |
MediaWiki | 1.25+ |
Datenbankänderungen | Ja |
Tabellen | securepoll_entity securepoll_msgs securepoll_properties securepoll_elections securepoll_questions securepoll_options securepoll_voters securepoll_votes securepoll_strike securepoll_lists securepoll_cookie_match |
Lizenz | GNU General Public License 2.0 oder neuer |
Herunterladen | |
Vierteljährliche Downloads | 7 (Ranked 127th) |
Public wikis using | 889 (Ranked 269th) |
Übersetze die SecurePoll-Erweiterung, wenn sie auf verfügbar ist | |
Probleme | Offene Aufgaben · Einen Fehler melden |
The SecurePoll extension is a special page extension for elections, polls and surveys. It is used for Wikimedia Foundation Board elections and arbitration committee elections, and was used for the Wikimedia license transition vote among other things.
Main page showing a list of polls.
A poll page with descriptive text.
Admin log for SecurePoll
Voter log on SecurePoll
- Die Erweiterung herunterladen und die Datei(en) in ein Verzeichnis namens
im Ordnerextensions/
Entwickler und Code-Beitragende sollten stattdessen die Erweiterung von Git installieren, mit:cd extensions/
git clone - Folgenden Code am Ende deiner LocalSettings.php -Datei einfügen:
wfLoadExtension( 'SecurePoll' );
- Führe das Aktualisierungsskript aus, welches automatisch die notwendigen Datenbanktabellen erstellt, die diese Erweiterung braucht.
- Erledigt – Navigiere zu Special:Version in deinem Wiki, um zu überprüfen, ob die Erweiterung erfolgreich installiert wurde.
In addition, you will need to add some user groups and user rights to your LocalSettings.php file. Here is one way to do it, which gives a new group called electionadmin the power to do everything in SecurePoll (create polls, edit polls, see voter IP addresses):
$wgGroupPermissions['electionadmin']['securepoll-create-poll'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['electionadmin']['securepoll-edit-poll'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['electionadmin']['securepoll-view-voter-pii'] = true;
Once this group is created, a bureaucrat can add someone to the group using Special:UserRights. Then that person can visit Special:SecurePoll to view polls, create polls, edit polls, tally polls, etc.
Each poll's data is compartmentalized. You can have 100 electionadmins, but if you only add one electionadmin to a particular poll, only that one electionadmin will be able to edit that particular poll or see user IPs. If an electionadmin is removed from a poll, they will lose access to it.
is used for "scrutineering" a poll, which involves looking at a list of voter IPs, user agents, and X-Forwarded-For headers to look for cheating (secret duplicate votes by sockpuppets). Because this involves looking at voter IP addresses and other sensitive, personal, de-anonymizing data, it is a sensitive user right, so only trusted users should be assigned to the electionadmin group.
It is possible to split securepoll-view-voter-pii
into a separate group. You can use a config such as the one below to create a group called scrutineer that contains the securepoll-view-voter-pii
right, separating it from the electionadmin group:
$wgGroupPermissions['electionadmin']['securepoll-create-poll'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['electionadmin']['securepoll-edit-poll'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['scrutineer']['securepoll-create-poll'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['scrutineer']['securepoll-edit-poll'] = true;
$wgGroupPermissions['scrutineer']['securepoll-view-voter-pii'] = true;
A user also needs to be added to the poll (and hence have the securepoll-edit-poll
right) in order to view PII - securepoll-view-voter-pii
by itself has no effect.
Create a new poll
There are two ways to create a new poll: manually create an XML file and import it, or use the poll creation interface at Special:SecurePoll.
To create a poll manually, it is required to:
- write an XML file
- import it using the
command-line interface command
In the test folder you can find four example files:
To import a poll, run the following from the cli folder:
extensions/SecurePoll/cli$ php import.php ../tests/phpunit/data/3way-test.xml
To import a poll using docker, run the following from the cli folder:
docker-compose exec mediawiki php extensions/SecurePoll/cli/import.php extensions/SecurePoll/tests/phpunit/data/3way-test.xml
Via the web interface
A user with the securepoll-create-poll
right can create a new poll via the link at the bottom of Special:SecurePoll.
To create a new poll, fill in the mandatory fields in the create form. Special care may be needed with the following fields:
- When adding poll admins, only members of the
group are allowed. If$wgSecurePollUseLogging
is set totrue
, it will be logged whenever an admin is added to or removed from a poll. The logs can be viewed at Special:SecurePollLog. - To create an encrypted poll, select the radio for the encryption method. If you choose GnuPG, generate a (public) encryption key and a (private) decryption key. Enter the encryption key into the create form, and keep the private key safe somewhere offline (you will need it for tallying, once the election has finished). A detailed example can be seen.
Now visit Special:SecurePoll and you will see your poll.
Edit an existing poll
To edit a poll, you must be an admin of the particular poll. From Special:SecurePoll, click on the Edit link for the poll you want to edit.
Before an election has begun, anything about the election can be edited. After an election has begun, some fields can no longer be edited.
Edit who can vote in a poll
To edit who can vote in a poll, you must be an admin of the particular poll. From Special:SecurePoll, click on the Voter Eligibility link for the poll.
Eine Abstimmung übersetzen
To translate a poll, you must be an admin of the particular poll. From Special:SecurePoll, click on the Translate link for the poll you want to translate.
See a list of voters
Anyone can see a list of voters, unless transparency features were disabled when the poll was created.
Admins of a particular poll can see a list of voters, along with private information that may help to identify duplicate voters (e.g. IP addresses, user agent information, shared cookies).
If $wgSecurePollUseLogging
is set to true
, it will be logged whenever an admin views private data. The logs can be viewed at Special:SecurePollLog.
Admins may strike any votes that they believe to be duplicates.
Tally a poll
To tally a poll, you must be an admin of the particular poll. From Special:SecurePoll, click on the Tally link for the poll you want to tally.
If the poll has been tallied before, the results will be shown on the page. If not, or if you want to re-tally, there is a form for starting a new tally.
- If the poll is unencrypted, click on the tally button.
- If the poll is encrypted, you may need to enter more information. For example, if you used GnuPG, enter the (private) decryption key and click on the tally button. If an encrypted poll has many votes, it may take a long time to tally. You may need to check back later for the results.
Now visit Special:SecurePoll and you will see your poll.
(STV) Tallying
To enable STV tallying please add the below configuration value to LocalSettings.php
$wgSecurePollSingleTransferableVoteEnabled = true;
More information on w:Counting single transferable votes (STV) can be found at Wikipedia.
General algorithm implementation (source).
Quota is + .000001. Quota is the minimum value of votes to secure a seat.
1. Compute the quota. 2. Assign votes to candidates by first preferences. 3. Declare as winners all candidates who received at least the quota. 4. Transfer the excess votes from winners to hopefuls. 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until no new candidates are elected. (Under some systems, votes could initially be transferred in this step to prior winners or losers. This might affect the outcome.) If all seats have winners, the process is complete. Otherwise: 6. Eliminate one or more candidates, typically either the lowest candidate or all candidates whose combined votes are less than the vote of the lowest remaining candidate. 7. Transfer the votes of the losers to remaining hopeful candidates. 8. Repeat 3–7 until all seats are full.
The quota we will use (step 1) is the Droop quota (source):
floor( no. votes / (no. seats + 1) ) + 1
The method for transferring votes from elected or eliminated candidates will be the Meek method:
Tallying (JobRunner)
- Tallies can be processed via a scheduled job Handbuch:Jobwarteschlange . Make sure to create a scheduled job for this task or execute the task manually.
- Tallies can also be processed by executing the tallying script manually:
To execute a tally, run the following from the cli folder located at extensions/SecurePoll/cli:
To execute a tally using MediaWiki-Docker, run the following from the cli folder located at extensions/SecurePoll/cli:
docker-compose exec mediawiki php extensions/SecurePoll/cli/tally.php
Generating (STV) Test Elections
- Test (STV) elections can be generated from the cli folder located at extensions/SecurePoll/cli:
- To generate a test election, run the following from the cli folder located at extensions/SecurePoll/cli:
- Test (STV) elections provide scaffolding from which to tally on
Redirect polls
If you are using SecurePoll in a wikifarm, it is possible to configure it to create a main election on a vote wiki, and then it will also create a redirect poll on a different wiki, with a vote link that points back to the vote wiki.
SecurePoll general documentation can be found at wikitech:SecurePoll.
A summary of improvements to SecurePoll can be found at Anti-Harassment Tools/SecurePoll Improvements.
Understanding the STV result
Documentation on STV results can be found at Anti-Harassment Tools/SecurePoll Improvements/Understanding the STV result.
Diese Erweiterung wird in einem oder mehreren Wikis von Wikimedia verwendet. Das bedeutet mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass die Erweiterung stabil ist und gut genug funktioniert, um auf solch häufig besuchten Webseiten benutzt zu werden. Suche nach dem Erweiterungs-Namen in den Wikimedia CommonSettings.php und den InitialiseSettings.php-Konfigurations-Dateien, um nachzusehen, wo es installiert ist. Eine vollständige Liste der installierten Erweiterungen in einem bestimmten Wiki wird auf Special:Version im Wiki generiert und angezeigt. |
Diese Erweiterung ist in den folgenden Softwarepaketen enthalten und/oder wird von den folgenden Wiki-Farmen, bzw. Wiki-Hostern verwendet: Dies ist keine maßgebliche Liste. Softwarepakete und/oder Wiki-Farmen, bzw. Wiki-Hoster nutzen diese Erweiterung ggf., obwohl sie nicht in dieser Liste enthalten sind. Prüfe daher stets die Nutzung im verwendeten Softwarepaket und/oder bei der Wiki-Farm, bzw. dem Wiki-Hoster. |