
This page is a translated version of the page Extension:EasyTimeline and the translation is 29% complete.
Справка по расширениям MediaWiki
Статус релиза: стабильно
Реализация Тег
Описание Добавляет тег ‎<timeline> для создания временных шкал
Автор(ы) Erik Zachte
MediaWiki >= 1.43
Изменения в БД Нет
Лицензия только GNU General Public License 2.0
Пример См. ниже
  • $wgTimelineRsvgCommand
  • $wgTimelineFontFile
  • $wgTimelineFileBackend
  • $wgTimelineFonts
  • $wgTimelineFontDirectory
  • $wgTimelinePloticusCommand
  • $wgTimelinePerlCommand
Использование общедоступными вики 7,989 (Ranked 20th)
Переведите расширение EasyTimeline
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Расширение EasyTimeline создает встроенное изображение из вики-текста. Изображение может быть как одномерной диаграммой (горизонтальной или вертикальной), так и двумерной.

See the help page on installing EasyTimeline on your wiki. See also this page on EasyTimeline or play with it at test.wikipedia.org.

There is a long-term effort to get the Chart extension to replace this extension.

Several examples of what is possible. For more extensive examples, see

  • Simpler timelines:

Пример кода

See also: Extension:EasyTimeline/syntax


Just to show you that the script syntax is reasonably intuitive, here is the script for the image above: Soviet Leaders.

# All measures are in pixels

ImageSize  = width:160 height:550
PlotArea   = left:50 right:0 bottom:10 top:10
AlignBars  = justify

DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:1917 till:1991
TimeAxis   = orientation:vertical
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:5 start:1920

# there is no automatic collision detection,
# so shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap

Define $dx = 25 # shift text to right side of bar

  bar:Leaders color:red width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S

  from:start till:1924 shift:($dx,15)   text:Vladimir~Ilyich~[[Special:MyLanguage/Lenin|Lenin]]
  from:1924  till:1953 shift:($dx,5)    text:[[Special:MyLanguage/Stalin|Josef~Stalin]]
  from:1953  till:1964 shift:($dx,5)    text:Nikita~[[Special:MyLanguage/Khrushchev|Khrushchev]]
  from:1964  till:1982 shift:($dx,5)    text:Leonid~[[Special:MyLanguage/Brezhnev|Brezhnev]]
  from:1982  till:1984 shift:($dx,-12)  text:Yuri~[[Special:MyLanguage/Andropov|Andropov]]
  from:1984  till:1985 shift:($dx,4)    text:Konstantin~[[Special:MyLanguage/Chernenko|Chernenko]] fontsize:XS
  from:1985  till:end  shift:($dx,10)   text:Mikhail~[[Special:MyLanguage/Gorbachev|Gorbachev]]

Double and single brackets can be used like on Wikipedia, and language prefixes are possible, e.g., [[de:foo|more about foo]]. Single brackets for external links are also supported.


EasyTimeline пока не поддерживает Юникод.

Aug 2004: Minimal UTF-8 support has been added, meaning EasyTimeline now recognizes UTF-8 encoded characters. However, support for directionality and complex scripts is very lacking. The default font may not have glyphs for all characters. An alternate font can be specified via $wgTimelineFontFile


To show texts correctly for RTL languages (like Arabic, Persian, Hebrew,...) you can use ‎<timeline method="svg2png">timeline code here‎</timeline> instead of ‎<timeline>timeline code here‎</timeline>. it shows the timeline as png, but the links will be disabled.


For first-time users, EasyTimeline may not seem that easy at all. As with all script languages, it takes some getting used to. Also, the syntax description may be a bit bewildering due to its sheer size. Fortunately, many elements of the script language are optional.

The 'Easy' in EasyTimeline conveys the message that once a timeline exists, it is not so hard to understand, enhance, or correct. Also, translating it for use on another Wikipedia is pretty straightforward.


  • See some chart examples to find something you could pick and edit for your purposes
  • Put each timeline on a separate Template page: this makes it easier to edit, faster to preview, and possible to include it in several pages

Using the current date

To use the current date make sure the table opens with {{#tag:timeline| and closes with }}. Then the current date can be inserted using magic words. For example {{#time: d/m/Y }} or {{CURRENTDAY2}}/{{CURRENTMONTH2}}/{{CURRENTYEAR}} will both yield the date in format dd/mm/yyyy.

См. также


== Требования ==

This extension requires the following software to be installed on the server:
