< Events
FOSDEM (Brussels, Belgium) is probably the best community driven FOSS event in Europe. It's massive, chaotic and fun.
- 2005 (Meta-Wiki) — Keynote speech on the main track.

- /2013 — Individual talks.
- /2014 — One talk on the main track, Organize "Wikis" devroom, Wikimedia stand, individual talks.
- /2015 — Wikimedia stand, individual talks.
- /2016 — Wikimedia stand, individual talks.
- /2017 — individual talks.
- /2018 — individual talks.
- /2019
- /2020 — Organize "Web Performance" devroom, individual talks.
- 2021 — Organize "Web Performance" devroom.
- 2022 — ?
- /2023 — ?
- /2024 — Organize "Web Performance" devroom.
- /2025