Beta Features/About/ar

PD ملاحظة: بتعديلك هذه الصفحة فإنك توافق على وضع مساهمتك في الملكية العامة وفق CC0. راجع صفحات مساعدة الملكية العامة للمزيد من المعلومات. PD

مرحبا بكم في المزايا التجريبية, برنامج جديد يسمح لكم بتجربة مزايا ديدة علي ويكيبيديا ومشاريع ويكيميديا الاخرى قبل تعميمها علي الجميع بشكل رسمي.

صورة شاشة للمزايا التجريبية الجديدة
مستعرض الوسائط احد المزايا التجريبية المقرر تجريبها هذا الاسبوع.
محدث الانماط احد المزايا التجريبية الجديدة المقرر تجريبها هذا الاسبوع

برنامج المزايا التجريبية يسمح للمطورين بطرح البرنامج الجديد لبيئة تسمح للعديد من المستخدمين من استخدام هذه المزايا و عمل تغذية عكسية للمساعدة في تطويرها بشكل افضل . هذه المسألة يمكن وصفها علي انها مختبر رقمي حيث يمكن لأفراد المجتمع من معاينة التغييرات القادمة ومساعدة المصممين والمهندسين علي إدخال تحسينات على أساس اقتراحاتهم.

المزايا الاولية


هذه مجموعة من المزايا التجريبية الاولى التي سيتم تجريبها هذا الاسبوع:

مستعرض الوسائط
يعمل علي تطوير تجربة عرض الوسائط باستخدام هذه الاداة الجديدة . مستعرض الوسائط يمكنك من الصور المصغرة باحجام اكبر علي الشاشة الصور تظهر بشكل انيق استخدام تقنية "Light Box" كما تستطيع ايضا ان تعرضها بحجم الشاشة كاملا لمناقشة هذه الخاصية.
VisualEditor makes it easy to edit pages without having to learn wiki code. Beta Features will include an opt-in version of this tool on sites where it is available but not enabled by default. We're also adding new experimental features that enhance VisualEditor (see below). Discuss this feature.
VisualEditor Formulæ
With this opt-in feature, you can add support inside VisualEditor for creating and editing mathematical formulæ like algebra or equations on pages you're working on. Discuss this feature.
Typography Refresh
This beta feature makes text more readable, accessible and consistent. It updates the Vector skin to use 'serif' fonts in section headings and 'sans serif' fonts in the body copy, for a better visual experience. Discuss this feature.
Nearby Pages
This feature lets you see other related pages to pages you view which contain longitude and latitude information. Discuss this feature.
New Search
Use a new search engine, "CirrusSearch". Available on wikis where the alternative search backend is provided as an opt-in. Discuss this feature.
Compact language links
Show a shorter version of the language list, with just the languages that are more relevant to you. Discuss this feature.
Provides readers with a short summary of an article whenever they hover over a link to it. Discuss this feature.

How you can help


Can you help us test Beta Features in coming days? Our first features are now available for testing by logged-in users on all wikis worldwide.

To test new features, check the items you want in the new BetaFeatures section of your user preferences — and click 'Save' (see screenshot). You can also automatically enable all new beta features as they are released or turn off any of these options at any time. To make it easier for you, a small 'Beta' link will show up next to 'Preferences' in your personal menu when you log in.

Try out Beta Features and let us know what you think of this program on this discussion page. You can also comment on each feature's discussion page (see links above and on your Beta Features preferences page). If you find any technical bugs, please report them here.

Note: If you would like to hide the 'Beta' link in your personal menu, you can easily remove it by going to your personal style page and pasting in this CSS rule on a line by itself: #pt-betafeatures { display: none; }. For more technical documentation, visit the BetaFeatures extension page.

Beta Features was created by the Wikimedia Foundation's Design, Multimedia team and VisualEditor teams. These and other teams will be adding more features every few weeks, going forward. We also invite community developers to start testing their new improvements in Beta Features in coming weeks by working closely with WMF designers and engineers. To prepare a new Beta Feature, read these helpful tips, check this technical documentation and post your submission on the queue for new Beta Features.



Beta Features was brought to you by many Wikimedia Foundation team members, including: Fabrice Florin, James Forrester, Mark Holmquist, Jared Zimmerman, Jon Robson, Ed Sanders, Gergő Tisza, Bryan Davis, May Galloway, Keegan Peterzell, Nick Wilson, Maggie Dennis, Quim Gil, Erik Moeller, Howie Fung, Rob Lanphier, and Tomasz Finc, to name but a few. We're also grateful to all the community and team members who helped create this system — and look forward to many more productive collaborations in the future.

Have fun, and don't forget to let us know what you think!