API:सभी पृष्ठ

This page is a translated version of the page API:Allpages and the translation is 100% complete.
मीडियाविकि संस्करण:

निर्धारित मानदंड और Namespace के अंतर्गत सभी पृष्ठों को सूचीबद्ध करने के लिए GET अनुरोध

इस मोडल का इस्तेमाल सृष्टिकार के रूप में किया जा सकता है।

API प्रलेख

list=allpages (ap)

(main | query | allpages)
  • This module requires read rights.
  • This module can be used as a generator.
  • Source: MediaWiki
  • License: GPL-2.0-or-later

Enumerate all pages sequentially in a given namespace.

Specific parameters:
Other general parameters are available.

The page title to start enumerating from.


When more results are available, use this to continue. More detailed information on how to continue queries can be found on mediawiki.org.


The page title to stop enumerating at.


Search for all page titles that begin with this value.


The namespace to enumerate.

One of the following values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 90, 91, 92, 93, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 486, 487, 710, 711, 828, 829, 1198, 1199, 2600, 5500, 5501
Default: 0

Which pages to list.

Note: Due to miser mode, using this may result in fewer than aplimit results returned before continuing; in extreme cases, zero results may be returned.

One of the following values: all, nonredirects, redirects
Default: all

Filter based on whether a page has langlinks. Note that this may not consider langlinks added by extensions.

One of the following values: all, withlanglinks, withoutlanglinks
Default: all

Limit to pages with at least this many bytes.

Type: integer

Limit to pages with at most this many bytes.

Type: integer

Limit to protected pages only.

Values (separate with | or alternative): edit, move, upload

Filter protections based on protection level (must be used with apprtype= parameter).

Values (separate with | or alternative): Can be empty, or autoconfirmed, sysop

Filter protections based on cascadingness (ignored when apprtype isn't set).

One of the following values: all, cascading, noncascading
Default: all

Which protection expiry to filter the page on:

Get only pages with indefinite protection expiry.
Get only pages with a definite (specific) protection expiry.
Get pages with any protections expiry.
One of the following values: all, definite, indefinite
Default: all

How many total pages to return.

Type: integer or max
The value must be between 1 and 500.
Default: 10

The direction in which to list.

One of the following values: ascending, descending
Default: ascending


GET अनुरोध

शब्द "Jungle" वाले सभी पृष्ठ पाएँ, चाहे शब्द पूरा हो या हिस्से में।


परिणाम में पृष्ठों को उनके शीर्षक और वर्णानुक्रम के अनुसार सूचीबद्ध किया जाता है।
    "batchcomplete": "",
    "continue": {
        "apcontinue": "Jungle_(Bakufu_Slump_album)",
        "continue": "-||"
    "query": {
        "allpages": [
                "pageid": 341265,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Jungle"
                "pageid": 56461312,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Jungle-runner"
                "pageid": 18698572,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Jungle/Drum n bass"
                "pageid": 1487899,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Jungle2jungle"
                "pageid": 30391179,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "JunglePup"

उदाहरण कोड




    MediaWiki API Demos
    Demo of `Allpages` module: Get all pages whose title contains the text
    "Jungle," in whole or part.

    MIT License

import requests

S = requests.Session()

URL = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php"

    "action": "query",
    "format": "json",
    "list": "allpages",
    "apfrom": "jungle",

R = S.get(url=URL, params=PARAMS)
DATA = R.json()

PAGES = DATA["query"]["allpages"]

for page in PAGES:



    MediaWiki API Demos
    Demo of `Allpages` module: Get all pages whose title contains the text "Jungle," in whole or part.

    MIT License

$endPoint = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php";
$params = [
    "action" => "query",
    "format" => "json",
    "list" => "allpages",
    "apfrom" => "jungle"

$url = $endPoint . "?" . http_build_query( $params );

$ch = curl_init( $url );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
$output = curl_exec( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );

$result = json_decode( $output, true );

foreach( $result["query"]["allpages"] as $k => $v ) {
    echo( $v["title"] . "\n" );



    MediaWiki API Demos
    Demo of `Allpages` module: Get all pages whose title contains the text "Jungle," in whole or part.

    MIT License

let url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php";

const params = {
    action: "query",
    format: "json",
    list: "allpages",
    apfrom: "jungle"

url += "?origin=*"

Object.keys(params).forEach((key) => {
    url += `&${key}=${params[key]}`

    .then((response) => {
        return response.json()
    .then((response) => {
        const pages = response.query.allpages

        for (let p in pages) {
    .catch((error) => {

MediaWiki JS


	MediaWiki API Demos
	Demo of `Allpages` module: Get all pages whose title contains the text "Jungle,"
	in whole or part.

	MIT License

var params = {
		action: 'query',
		format: 'json',
		list: 'allpages',
		apfrom: 'jungle'
	api = new mw.Api();

api.get( params ).done( function ( data ) {
	var pages = data.query.allpages,
	for ( p in pages ) {
		console.log( pages[ p ].title );
} );

संभव त्रुटियाँ

कोड जानकारी
invalidparammix The prlevel parameter may only be used with prtype.

ये भी देखें

  • Chris G's botclasses/AllPagesBot.php — इस API की मदद से विकि पर सभी चित्रों को प्राप्त करने वाला एक बॉट
  • API:Categorymembers — किसी श्रेणी में सभी पृष्ठों को सूचीबद्ध करता है
  • API:Categories — किसी विशिष्ट पृष्ठ पर जोड़े गए सभी श्रेणियों को सूचीबद्ध करता है, जिससे मिलते-जुलते पृष्ठ ढूँढ़े जा सकते हैं
  • API:सभी श्रेणियाँ — किसी मानदंड के अनुसार सभी श्रेणियों को सूचीबद्ध करें
  • API:सभी चित्र — उन सभी चित्रों को सूचीबद्ध करें जिनके शीर्षक किसी मानदंड का पालन करते हैं
  • API:सभी सदस्य — वर्णानुक्रम के अनुसार सभी सदस्यों को सूचीबद्ध करें