Wikimedia Product/2018-19 Q1 Goals

Q4 Wikimedia Audiences Goals, FY2018–19, Q1 (July-September) Q2

Purpose of this document: Goals for the Wikimedia Audiences department for the first quarter of fiscal year 2018–19 (July–September 2018). The goal setting process owner in each section is the person responsible for coordinating completion of the section, in partnership with the team and relevant stakeholders.

Goals for the Technology department are available on their own page.



Goal setting process owner: Danny Horn

Annual Plan Outcome Annual Plan Output Team Quarterly Goal Dependency
Outcome 3: Mobile Contribution Output 3.4: Simpler editing on mobile Web + apps Editing Objective:
  • Create report on current state of mobile editing, defining how and where the visual editor is available, social challenges, and options for use cases the product will support.
  • Solicit feedback (from management and communities) and iterate on report.

Key Result:

  • Report produced, findings discussed.
  • Direction set for the rest of the year by EOQ.
  • Community Liaisons
Outcome 4: Local Language Content Output 4.1: Content translation Language Objective:
  • Content Translation 2 support advanced workflows and basic support for newcomers.

Key Result:

  • Content Translation Version 2 exposed as an opt-in feature for anyone to try.
  • Editing (technical support on VE editing surface)
  • Research (user research to learn how the tool works for newcomers)
  • Community Liaisons (announcements of new version availability and tracking feedback)
Community Tech Objective:
  • Rollout support for TemplateWizard
  • Support for Wikidata and category tracking in Grant Metrics
  • Begin work on Programs and events dashboard suite of tools
  • Work on SVG Translate project
  • Begin work on “Who Wrote That?” revision search tool

Key Result:

  • Features released, and used by contributors
  • Community Resources
Anti-Harassment Tools Objective:
  • Increase the confidence of our admins for resolving disputes

Key Results:

  • Allow admins to apply appropriate remedies in cases of user conduct disputes by releasing per-article, per-namespace, and file upload blocks to one active wiki by end-of-quarter, with impact measured in Q2.
  • Run 2018 survey to measure the confidence of English and German Wikipedia admins with their ability to make informed, accurate decisions in conduct disputes.
  • TechComm
  • Wikimedia communities
  • Edward G
  • Legal
  • Trust & Safety
  • Reports of harassment are higher quality while less burdensome on the reporter

Key Results:

  • Continue community consultation on English Wikipedia and Meta Wiki for requirements and direction of the reporting system, for development in Q2.
  • Increase the amount of harassment reports that link to investigation tools by training Wikimedians to use the Interaction Timeline and other tools, measured via reports on English Wikipedia’s noticeboards that result in constructive discussion.
  • Audiences Design
  • Community Health is defined and measurable

Key Result:

  • Provide support to Trust and Safety and volunteers for the design and selection processes of the Community health metrics kit and the July Inspire Campaign about Measuring Community Health.
  • With Trust & Safety and the volunteer community, decide two or more ways to evaluate the effectiveness of full blocks and partial blocks.
  • Trust & Safety
  • Provide research support for ongoing Anti-Harassment efforts

Key Result:

  • Hire dedicated full-time Senior Researcher
  • Design Strategy
  • T&C
Outcome 1: Progressive Onboarding Output 1.1: Human-to-human help Growth Objective:
  • Complete work on New Pages Feed by adding ORES and copyvio; release to English wiki.
  • Develop conceptual framework for help interventions.
  • Release first proof-of-concept intervention to the target wikis with controlled experiment.

Key Result:

  • Increase in percent of submitted AfC drafts that are in article space after 60 days of submission
  • Published framework for thinking about help interventions.
  • Design and production of proof-of-concept intervention, testing underway.
  • Czech and Korean ambassadors, and related management from Community Liaisons



Goal setting process owner: Nirzar Pangarkar and Margeigh Novotny

Annual Plan Outcome Annual Plan Output Team Quarterly Goal Dependency
Audiences Design Objective:
  • Provide Design Input framework for Audiences Design.

Key Result:

  • Design input: What Designers need to execute Annual Plan
  • Communicate and style guide v1.0

Key Result:

  • Update email to Audiences
Design Strategy Objective:
  • Drive and facilitate the process of developing a 3-5 year plan

Key Result:

  • Draft 3-5 year plan
  • Support Growth team effort to develop a conceptual framework for help interventions

Key Result:

  • Findings report: What Editors Need to Succeed
  • Support Growth team effort to develop a conceptual framework for help interventions

Key Result:

  • Findings report: Help Strategies
  • Provide Design Research support for the Anti-harassment Tools team

Key Result:

  • Hire Senior Design Researcher



Goal setting process owner: Anne Gomez (New Readers and Structured Data on Commons)

Goal setting process owner: Corey Floyd (Platform Evolution CDP)

Annual Plan Outcome Annual Plan Output Team Quarterly Goal Dependency
1 [WOMP] Partnerships & Global Reach: 1

[KIWIX] Audiences (Program Management): 1

New Readers Objective:
  • Access: People without internet access can read Wikipedia.

Key Result:

  • [WOMP] All logistics and planning for project deployment will be finalized (including kick-off and metrics). TAC will hire a project manager, and produce a quarterly financial report that includes an expenditure to-date, balance remaining, and project expenses for the next quarter.
  • [KIWIX]
    • August: Google Summer of Code (development intern). Kiwix will engage a Google Summer of Code intern for a 2-3 month term to assist with the development and support of all work related to the topical SIM file generation, MW offliner maintenance, Kiwix Android maintenance, or any other technical and development support required during the length of the internship.
    • September: Hire contract NodeJS and Python developers. Developer hackathon @Google with Android focus (Output 5 of the Annual Plan): Organize a hackathon to solve platform-specific issues.
  • Partnerships & Global Reach
  • Audiences
  • Internet in a Box
  • Kiwix
  • James Heilman
  • The Africa Center
2 [Mexico & retro] Communications: 2

[Surveys] Partnerships & Global Reach: 2

  • Awareness: More people in target countries/languages know what Wikipedia is.

Key Result:

  • [Mexico] Marketing materials finalized (script and song written and produced, and main video finalized) by EOQ. Launching is listed for October.
  • [Retrospective of marketing work] Generating a report for the campaigns that are missing. Formalize Nigeria, India, Iraq into a standard template, and produce a holistic report on "What we've learned so far".
  • [Surveys]
    • Follow up India survey (mid-July)
    • Mexico baseline survey (starting August)
  • Communications (lead)
  • Programs
  • Partnerships & Global Reach
  • Wikimedia Mexico
  • ISLA (MX agency)
3 Communications: 1 Objective:
  • Discovery: More people in target countries/languages visit Wikipedia.

Key Result:

  • [Nigeria] Execute product marketing campaign for offline functionality in the Android app, particularly Reading Lists, with intent to understand if offline features drive adoption/retention in data-constrained markets.
  • Communications (co-lead)
  • Audiences (co-lead),
  • Partnerships & Global Reach
5 Audiences: 4 Objective:
  • Syndication: More people in target countries/languages read Wikimedia content outside of Wikimedia sites.

Key Result:

  • Confirm viability of hovercard integration on 3rd party sites. Run small pilot to determine whether technical integration is feasible.
  • Audiences (co-lead),
  • Partnerships & Global Reach
Structured Data on Commons

Outcome 1

Output 0

(work that bled from Q4 into Q1, not included in Annual Plan)

Core Platform Key Result:
  • T194750 Deploy Structured Data on Commons baseline
  • Multimedia
  • WMDE
Output 1 Multimedia Key Result:
  • Improve and update the code of user interface elements for multilingual file captions (this includes integrating OOUI with Wikibase JavaScript elements)
  • Core Platform
  • WMDE
Output 3 Multimedia Key Result:
  • Develop working prototypes for adding/editing/removing "depicts" statements on UploadWizard and file page; expand on depicts search prototype as necessary.
  • Complete documentation for the new search features and specifications that have been added for SDC
  • Core Platform
  • WMDE
Parsing (Platform Evolution CDP) Objective:
  • Work towards unifying MediaWiki's parser implementations

Key Result:

  • For media, PHP Parser generates HTML similar to Parsoid's output
  • TechCom RFC approval
  • Prepare Parsoid codebase for porting to PHP

Key Result:

  • More unit testing and performance testing features implemented
None we are aware of at this time
  • Prepare Parsoid codebase for porting to PHP

Key Result:

  • Identify other work to frontload and complete it before the actual Port (ex: eliminating async patterns)
  • Core Platform



Goal setting process owner: Jon Katz

Annual Plan Outcome Annual Plan Output Team Quarterly Goal Dependency
Growing our Contributors and Content Output 3.2: Mobile for existing contributors iOS Objective:
  • Ship explore feed customization and design consistency
  • Wikidata description editing

Key Result:

  • Increase in articles per session opened from the feed.
  • Increase in descriptions and edit counts from iOS in Wikidata with no/management increase in reverts or vandalism.
  • Community Liaisons
Android Objective:
  • App navigation refresh launched
  • Pull/polling notifications prototype built and tested

Key Result:

  • Increase in articles per session and session length
  • Analytics instrumentation and user testing plan for notifications sorted, user testing underway
  • Notifications API - already apparently fairly complete for our purposes, but will require light support for testing.
Outcome 3: Mobile Contribution Output 3.1: Contribution tools on mobile Web via an existing MediaWiki skin Web Objective:
  • Provide currently unavailable contribution workflows for medium and high-volume editors
  • Invest in the MobileFrontend & MinervaNeue frontend architecture - Automate asset bundling in MobileFrontend/Minerva

Key Result:

  • Increase editing and moderation rates for medium and high-volume editors
  • Reduce the size of the JS assets served to clients due to better minimization, reduce the amount of manual JSON configuration needed for sorting the JS files, decrease load on ResourceLoader
  • Community Liaisons
Multimedia Objective:
  • Build upon initial work and begin advanced development, design, and documentation of file caption and "depicts" features on Commons.

Key Result:

  • Improve and update the code of user interface elements for multilingual file captions (this includes integrating OOUI with Wikibase JavaScript elements)
  • Develop working prototypes for adding/editing/removing "depicts" statements on UploadWizard and file page; expand on depicts search prototype as necessary.
  • Complete documentation for the new search features and specifications that have been added for SDC
  • Possible WMDE for assistance with Wikibase code structure
Infrastructure Objective:
  • Improve maintainability and code sharing of reading clients by incorporating client code into shared services.
  • Improve summaries for previews for wikidata and disambiguation pages

Key Result:

  • Incorporate shared page library functionality into the Page Content Service. Improve Page Content Service for Mobile Apps adoption.
  • Deliver the summary endpoint for wikidata with language variant support and the improved disambiguation page response
  • Readers Web team
  • Android Mobile App team
  • iOS Mobile App team