Wikimedia Hackathon 2020/Remote Hackathon/Instructional videos

Since this Wikimedia hackathon unconference is only virtual you are invited to post here (short) educational videos that explain (generally in less than 5 minutes time) how to perform a certain activity or technique.

Some hints
  • Whenever you give a short demo, record the session (it is possible with Google Hanghouts, Jitsi, and other popular webinar tools).
  • Ask permission from the participants to do so; participants with the microphone muted are normally not depicted.
  • They can disable their camera, so they are sure no live video is recorded from them
  • Or they can prefer not to participate, so even their name is not shown (they can see the video afterwards, offline)
  • You can record a session where you are the single participant -> this allows you to record in all tranquillity, without stress.
  • You can prepare a script with text to tell, and the demo steps to perform.
  • When you have multiple screens you can put the recording session and your session script at the left screen; your demo session being on the main desktop on the right. Then you can record the main screen.
  • To create the initial TimedText subtitles, you can reuse your session text (translate with DeepL).
  • Try to subtitle them in your own language with TimedText. To get the timing, just copy /paste an existing language.
  • A video, once recorded, can be seen again, offline, by thousands of peers looking for how to apply the same techniques.

Virtual collaboration edit

Edit Wikipedia edit

Wikidata edit

See also edit