Wikimedia Apps/Team/iOS/Weekly Planning/2016-09-13
- Discuss table of contents button position feedback, plus Sherah.
- Discuss "must-fixes" and 5.2.1 timeline
- Discuss tech debt, admin work and other productive ways to spend the next week not building features
- Appsee/logitudinal support?
- Possibly go around standup-style and talk about individual priorities for the week
- Who's on Chore Wheel next week?
- [JOSH] Email Nicholas QA updates
- (no Phab admin task needed)
- [JOSH] Create a ticket for Sherah to investigate TOC feedback/changes
- [RITA] Poke reets for images for release boards
- [JOSH] Email max about which tags to create/sunset
- [MAX] Update Herald and Phlog
- [MAX] Create calendar invite for Joe's Chore Wheel event