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LDAP - "Auto-creation of a local account failed: Automatic account creation is not allowed."

Wenfir (talkcontribs)


i run Ubuntu 20.04 with apache2 php7.3 mediawiki 1.35

I have activated the plugins LDAPProvider, PluggableAuth, LDAPAuthentication2, LDAPGroups and LDAPUserInfo.

I updated mediawiki to version 1.35 and everything is working normally with LDAP users who were already in the database. But when creating a new user on LDAP he is giving an error to create the local account on mediawiki.

The connection to LDAP works, however when trying to login with new user via LDAP it says: "Auto-creation of a local account failed: Automatic account creation is not allowed."


Auto-creating user_name on login

MediaWiki\Auth\AuthManager::autoCreateUser: blacklisted in session ok0lc1odn06in7hrkkckavam9sof2qdo''

[PluggableAuth] Authenticated new user: user_name

User::getBlockedStatus: checking blocked status for user_name

Binary file (standard input) matches

Reply to "LDAP - "Auto-creation of a local account failed: Automatic account creation is not allowed.""

Could not authenticate credentials against domain "mydomain.com"

Wenfir (talkcontribs)

hello, i updated medwiki and set up ldap in this new version and i have an authentication error, i am 2 days in this error, if anyone can help i appreciate it.

My LocalSettings:

##The formatting was not very good is my first post here, I hope you can understand



wfLoadExtension( 'LDAPProvider' );

wfLoadExtension( 'LDAPAuthentication2' );

wfLoadExtension( 'LDAPAuthorization' );

wfLoadExtension( 'PluggableAuth' );

wfLoadExtension( 'LDAPGroups' );

$LDAPProviderDomainConfigProvider = function(){

$config =

"mydomain.com.br" =>

"connection" =>

"server" => "",

"user" => "cn=Manager,o=mydomain,o=com,c=br",

"pass" => "password",

"options" =>




"basedn" => "o=mydomain,o=com,c=brr",

"groupbasedn" => "o=mydomain,o=com,c=br",

"userbasedn" => "o=mydomain,o=com,c=br",

"searchstring" => "uid=USER-NAME,o=mydomain,o=com,c=br",

"usernameattribute" => "uid",

"realnameattribute" => "cn",

"emailattribute" => "mail",


"authorization" =>


"rules" =>


"groups" =>


"required" => [ "cn=group_wiki,o=mydomain,o=com,c=br" ]




'groupsync' =>

[ "mechanism" => "mappedgroups",

"mapping" =>


"grupo_wiki" => "cn=group_wiki,ou=Group,o=icpbrasil,o=gov,c=br",





return new \MediaWiki\Extension\LDAPProvider\DomainConfigProvider\InlinePHPArray( $config ); };

the log file with the error...


2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: ldap_connect( $hostname = 'ldap://', $port = 389 );

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: # __METHOD__ returns Resource id #17

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: ldap_set_option( $linkID, $option = 17, $newval = 3 )

; 2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: # returns 1 2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: ldap_set_option( $linkID, $option = 8, $newval = 0 );

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: # returns 1

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: ldap_set_option( $linkID, $option = , $newval = LDAP_OPT_DEREF );

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: # returns

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: ldap_bind( $linkID, $bindRDN = 'cn=Manager,o=mydomain,o=com,c=br', $bindPassword = 'XXXX' );

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wikiI: # returns 1

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: ldap_bind( $linkID, $bindRDN = 'uid=teste,o=mydomain,o=com,c=br', $bindPassword = 'XXXX' ); 2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: # returns


2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: In execute() 2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: Getting PluggableAuth singleton

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: Class name: MediaWiki\Extension\LDAPAuthentication2\PluggableAuth

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: Authentication failure.

2021-02-15 21:49:06 wiki my-wiki: ERROR: Could not authenticate credentials against domain "o=mydomain,o=com,c=br"


I do not know if any configuration is missing or if I did something wrong I am studying this new version already using version 1.24. If anyone can help I am grateful :)Computer code

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