User talk:DaSch/Flow

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Gryllida (talkcontribs)
Reply to "The future of skins"
Mabdul (talkcontribs)

Hi Daniel,

ich hab gerade auf einer wiki das Problem, dass wir a) noch nicht die Extension:Translate installieren kƶnnen (wird wahrscheinlich noch passieren) und b) dass wir unterschiedlichen Sprachenkontent in einer Wiki haben. (historisch gewachsen, spƤter als gut empfunden und wir lassen das so beschlossen)... Jedenfalls will ich Versionsnummer synchron Ć¼ber eine Vorlage auf mehreren Seiten "synchron" aktualisieren. Das ist soweit auch kein problem, es "wurde" jetzt erst beim Umstellen der Seiten festgestellt, dass wir auch arabischen (ar) und farsi (fa) Inhalt haben. Ich such nun eine Mƶglichkeit 0.1.22 (oder so) automatisiert auf fa Zahlengebung umzuformatieren. Mit dem Standard Formatnum und auch bei deiner Extension sehe ich keine Mƶglichkeit dies zu bewerkstelligen. Kennst du eine Lƶsung fĆ¼r dieses "Problem"?


DaSch (talkcontribs)

Hey, meine Extension ist dafĆ¼r gedacht, vollkommen sprachunabhƤngig Zahlen zu formatieren. Du kƶnntest also fĆ¼r deinen Fall zwei Vorlagen bauen, in denen das jeweilige Zahlenformat fĆ¼r die verschiedenen Sprachen definiert ist.

Mabdul (talkcontribs)

Ja, daran hab ich auch schon gedacht. Problem: die Leute, die die Vorlage aktualisieren haben wenig mit ar/fa zu tun (und bin mir auch nicht sicher ob die wissen, wie Sie das Zahlensystem schreiben mĆ¼ssen) und am Ende wird wieder nur eine Vorlage aktualisiert. Genau dies soll ja eben vermieden werden: mehrere Seiten aktualisieren mĆ¼ssen. Zum GlĆ¼ck hab ich mittlerweile eine Vorlage erstellt, damit auf Seiten mit gefĆ¼hlte 100 Sprachen der selbe Edit passieren muss...

Na ich werd mich dann nochmal umschauen, ob ich irgendeine Lƶsung dazu finde.

Danke schonmal.

Reply to "Extension:FormatNum"
YOUR1 (talkcontribs)

I've cleaned up your code and fixed some bugs. Please aprove my new edit (see my fork from Github!)

DaSch (talkcontribs)

I've seen it. I merged it into the base repo. Please make a pull request in future, so that the downloadlink must not be changed and all changes ca be put together in the base repo.

Reply to "Piwik Integration"


2 (talkcontribs)

Hi the current version of the piwik extension throws an exception. I did not understand why. There is already an return true. I use Mw 1.19.3 Thanks MediaWiki internal error.

Original exception: exception 'PermissionsError' in /home/www/web386/html/devwiki/includes/Wiki.php:193 Stack trace:

  1. 0 /home/www/web386/html/devwiki/includes/Wiki.php(593): MediaWiki->performRequest()
  2. 1 /home/www/web386/html/devwiki/includes/Wiki.php(503): MediaWiki->main()
  3. 2 /home/www/web386/html/devwiki/index.php(58): MediaWiki->run()
  4. 3 {main}

Exception caught inside exception handler: exception 'MWException' with message 'Detected bug in an extension! Hook PiwikHooks::PiwikSetup failed to return a value; should return true to continue hook processing or false to abort.' in /home/www/web386/html/devwiki/includes/Hooks.php:245 Stack trace:

  1. 0 /home/www/web386/html/devwiki/includes/GlobalFunctions.php(3856): Hooks::run('SkinAfterBottom...', Array)
  2. 1 /home/www/web386/html/devwiki/includes/Skin.php(636): wfRunHooks()
  3. 2 /home/www/web386/html/devwiki/includes/SkinTemplate.php(401): Skin->bottomScripts('SkinAfterBottom...', Array)
  4. 3 /home/www/web386/html/devwiki/includes/OutputPage.php(1982): SkinTemplate->outputPage()
  5. 4 /home/www/web386/html/devwiki/includes/Exception.php(338): OutputPage->output()
  6. 5 /home/www/web386/html/devwiki/includes/Exception.php(490): PermissionsError->report()
  7. 6 /home/www/web386/html/devwiki/includes/Exception.php(569): MWExceptionHandler::report()
  8. 7 /home/www/web386/html/devwiki/includes/Wiki.php(506): MWExceptionHandler::handle(Object(PermissionsError))
  9. 8 /home/www/web386/html/devwiki/index.php(58): MediaWiki->run(Object(PermissionsError))
  10. 9 {main}
DaSch (talkcontribs)

On which page do you get this exception?

Reply to "piwik-mediawiki-extension"

LQT 2.0 -> 3.0 migration

Nx (talkcontribs)


Is it possible to convert a wiki using LQT 2.0 to LQT 3.0?

DaSch (talkcontribs)

I didn't ever came that far. But LQT 3.0 does not really exist. It's a try of development that does not work and never will work because nobody cares about it.

Reply to "LQT 2.0 -> 3.0 migration"
šŸ˜‚ (talkcontribs)

I see you were having some trouble getting your existing work pushed into Gerrit. Please allow me to apologize--I did not realize you had existing history when I created the repositories, which I could've imported very quickly and saved you a lot of time. I have now imported all of the history from github to Gerrit for you for your repositories, so you should be able to grab a fresh clone and it will work just fine from there. Also, if you have further problems please reach out for help...I don't like to see anyone wasting time trying to figure it out when they're stuckĀ :(

DaSch (talkcontribs)

Okay, thanks. I'll take a look at it the next days.

Reply to "Trouble with Gerrit"

[SRF] valuerank format

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

Heiya DaSch, a couple of months ago you added the valuerank format to the Semantic Result Formats extension. So far it is not documented. Thus I would like to invite you to do this here. Thank you and cheers

DaSch (talkcontribs)

I would have changed that much on semantic-mediawiki wiki if I had permission to edit

Kghbln (talkcontribs)

You could have just ask for permission.Ā :) However, in the meantime restrictions for editing were loosened, so that you may edit right away. Your are still welcome to do so. Cheers

Reply to "[SRF] valuerank format"
Sumanah (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Welcome"

Header with the rounded edges

Elseys (talkcontribs)

We think your wiki layout is really great and we are trying to also put our banner on our wiki using your code. We have downloaded all your code but we cannot get the rounded edges on the banner. We are not sure why because we have your images for the rounded corners. Is there a way you can give us a trick how to do this?

DaSch (talkcontribs)

I have no idea. Maybe look at this example. I think this is what you would like to get.

Elseys (talkcontribs)

Hi, this is exactly what I would like to get...but I don't get it....

Reply to "Header with the rounded edges"
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