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Install procedure on Centos 8.4 / Alma Linux (Server)

Agompel (talkcontribs)


many problems trying to install Wikimedia on Alma Linux 8.4

* One seems to be the module to install php, does not support yet the proper version etc... (The PHP bug!)

* tried XAMPP installer, the current, and the newer: many discouraging errors that I have so fare been unable to overcome. It is buggy, and the per;-php seems to be missing, at least the proper version

* XAMPP has just too many versions, and none works seamlessly, understanding it is not a mediawiki project, so relying on it is not practical.,

* Because CENTOS and its heir Alama Linux, are the most used server in the world, some work there to make the MediaWiki (and its plugs in) easy to install (read painless) would be great.

* Suggest that the command : dnf module install Mariadb

be used and the same to the PHP with the right version, and every needed component.

Comment : On Media Wiki, the description of the manual install is just hard to follow, why not have a simple step by step procedure for Linux CentOS 8.4 (current) ?

The best option would be a simple CentOS (RPM) metapackage or module to install mediawiki, one for each flavor of server (Apache or Nginx) all installing a valid PHP and MariaDB.

Actually there is already part of the CentOS repos :

1) a php INSTALL (3 VERSIONS, however None fits the MediaWiki Requirement)

2) MariaDB module install : this ons seems to OK

3) HTTPD (Apache) there is a module (called httpd), Version 2.4 with updates, which should work.

So most of what is needed is already there, with the exception of the correct PHP, and perhaps the configuration files setups.

Thanks for the attention.


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