Hello 👋. I'm Shashwat!

Everyone loves a good bio, so here’s mine — I’m a student at the Indian Institute of Information Technology in Pune, India pursuing a B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering. I code primarily for the Web but as part of my curriculum, I’ve also had to work on “lower-level” technologies such as C++, Rust, WebAssembly, etc. I list some of my projects here.

Outside of college and work, I like to read fiction(Goodreads here) and travel with friends and family. I don’t really play video games, but I do enjoy a good game of chess(Shashwat312 on Lichess) every now and then.

You can find me on Github here and can checkout my blog here

GSoC 23 edit

My proposal was accepted for GSoC 2023. You can find it here - Improve Programs & Events Dashboard UX for Article Scoped Programs

Here are the Bi-Weekly posts I wrote during my internship. They go into considerable detail the work I did during that time.

GSoC 22 edit

My proposal was accepted for GSoC 2022. You can find it here - Modernize JavaScript build process and dependencies for Wiki Education Dashboard

Here are the Bi-Weekly posts I wrote during my internship. They go into considerable detail the work I did during that time.

  1. Report 1
  2. Report 2
  3. Report 3
  4. Report 4
  5. Report 5

If you're in a hurry, you can also check out the Final Report, which covers all the major things I did during the 3 month internship.