
This is a list of PHP modules used by MediaWiki, with links to their relevant Debian/Ubuntu Packages.

Module Minimum Version
(if applicable)
Required/Optional Description/Comments Debian package Ubuntu package
PHP >= 5.2.3 for MW 1.18+ Required Core PHP package php5 php5
MySQL Optional Required to use MySQL as the database php5-mysql php5-mysql
PostgresSQL Optional Required to use PostgresSQL as the database php5-pgsql php5-pgsql
SQLite Optional Required to use SQLite as the database php5-sqlite php5
APC Optional Required to use APC caching php5-apc php5-apc
Memcached Optional Required to use Memcached object caching php5-memcached php5-memcached
Tidy Optional Required to use Tidy php5-tidy php5-tidy
Intl Optional Unicode normalisation php5-intl php5-intl
ImagicK Optional php5-imagick php5-imagick
Curl Optional Used for remote web requests php5-curl php5-curl
CLI Optional/Recommended Recommended to be able to run CLI scripts php5-cli php5-cli
PHP Dev Optional php5-dev php5-dev
XDebug Optional Enhances debugging output php5-xdebug php5-xdebug
PEAR Optional Required as a MW Developer for PhpUnit dependancies php-pear php-pear
SVN Optional Can be used by the CodeReview extension (instead of shelling out) php-5svn php-5svn