
I'm Nilesh Chakraborty, a computer science student and programmer living in Kolkata, India. I love working with big data, machine learning, recommendation engines, and web development, in a constant endeavour to learn new things.
I'll be working on Wikidata Entity Suggester and Entity Selector for Google Summer of Code this year. While creating a new item in Wikidata, to add new statements, one has to spend a considerable amount of time on finding the relevant properties and their corresponding values. The Entity Suggester is meant to make this task easier by (i) suggesting properties relevant to the context (depends upon the item that is being edited), and (ii) suggesting values to the recommended properties or recommending values for a new property that the author enters in a statement. Recommending values will need more individual approaches depending upon the respective types of properties. Other than this, I intend to make the sorting mechanism of the entity selector smarter so that more relevant properties appear at the top of the search results.
I will be blogging about my progress on the project on my personal blog. You can reach me on freenode with the nick nileshc, or email me.