Joined 22 December 2017
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这里是MiKayule的全域用户页[note 1]。如果你在元维基(Metawiki)之外的维基看到了这个页面,说明该用户暂未在当前维基创建自己的用户页。他是维基百科(Wikipedia)、维基文库(Wikisource)和维基词典(Wiktionary)的长期用户,也是一位初来乍到的编辑者。
Here is MiKayule's global userpage[note 2]. If you see this page on any Wikis other than Metawiki, it means that this user has not yet created his own userpage on the current Wiki. He is a long-time user of Wikipedia, Wikisource and Wiktionary, and a new editor.
Committed identity: CB0CAA133B7C6C8C325E18792F5A26715F81052C5FDDCD9C11D74DC0D258A4D0E26562DBD1E99BF0596511A78F7448BDBA6837CA5C92BD0CC0CE249115508413 is a SHA3-512 commitment to this user's real-life identity.