
Cite is a slight variation to the extension to add citations and references to wikitext. This variant also makes it possible to list the citations inside the references-tag, not only the ref-tag. This moves large templates out of the wikitext, making the whole text more readable while editing.

The citations or references can be identified inside the references-tag by starting at the leftmost posision, then running up to a pipe (|), equal sign (=), colon (:), newline or cariage return. Extra text that is part of this citation can continue on the next line if it is properly indented. Next line starting in the leftmost position has a new identifier.

Traditional style for a reference

This is text<ref name="identifier">Citation</ref>
<references />

Alternate style for a reference

This is text<ref name="identifier" />
  and more text

Note that the following code is not properly tested, and is a replacement for Cite.php from Extension:Cite.

if ( ! defined( 'MEDIAWIKI' ) )
 * A parser extension that adds two tags, <ref> and <references> for adding
 * citations to pages
 * @addtogroup Extensions
 * @link Documentation
 * @link <cite> definition in HTML
 * @link <cite> definition in XHTML 2.0
 * @bug 4579
 * @author Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <>, John Erling Blad <>
 * @copyright Copyright © 2005, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason, Copyright © 2008 John Erling Blad
 * @license GNU General Public License 2.0 or later

$wgExtensionFunctions[] = 'wfCite';
$wgExtensionCredits['parserhook'][] = array(
	'name' => 'Cite',
	'version' => '1.1',
	'author' => 'Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason, John Erling Blad',
	'description' => 'Adds <nowiki><ref[ name=id]></nowiki> and <nowiki><references/></nowiki> tags, for citations',
	'url' => ''
$wgParserTestFiles[] = dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/citeParserTests.txt";

 * Error codes, first array = internal errors; second array = user errors
$wgCiteErrors = array(
	'system' => array(
	'user' => array(

for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $wgCiteErrors['system'] ); ++$i )
	// System errors are negative integers
	define( $wgCiteErrors['system'][$i], -($i + 1) );
for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $wgCiteErrors['user'] ); ++$i )
	// User errors are positive integers
	define( $wgCiteErrors['user'][$i], $i + 1 );

# Internationalisation file
require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/Cite.i18n.php' );

function wfCite() {
	# Add messages
	global $wgMessageCache, $wgCiteMessages;
	foreach( $wgCiteMessages as $key => $value ) {
		$wgMessageCache->addMessages( $wgCiteMessages[$key], $key );
	class Cite {
		 * @access private
		 * Datastructure representing <ref> input, in the format of:
		 * <code>
		 * array(
		 * 	'user supplied' => array(
		 *		'text' => 'user supplied reference & key',
		 *		'count' => 1, // occurs twice
		 * 		'number' => 1, // The first reference, we want
		 * 		               // all occourances of it to
		 * 		               // use the same number
		 *	),
		 *	0 => 'Anonymous reference',
		 *	1 => 'Another anonymous reference',
		 *	'some key' => array(
		 *		'text' => 'this one occurs once'
		 *		'count' => 0,
		 * 		'number' => 4
		 *	),
		 *	3 => 'more stuff'
		 * );
		 * </code>
		 * This works because:
		 * * PHP's datastructures are guarenteed to be returned in the
		 *   order that things are inserted into them (unless you mess
		 *   with that)
		 * * User supplied keys can't be integers, therefore avoiding
		 *   conflict with anonymous keys
		 * @var array
		var $mRefs = array();
		 * Count for user displayed output (ref[1], ref[2], ...)
		 * @var int
		var $mOutCnt = 0;

		 * Internal counter for anonymous references, seperate from
		 * $mOutCnt because anonymous references won't increment it,
		 * but will incremement $mOutCnt
		 * @var int
		var $mInCnt = 0;

		 * The backlinks, in order, to pass as $3 to
		 * 'cite_references_link_many_format', defined in
		 * 'cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels
		 * @var array
		var $mBacklinkLabels;
		 * @var object
		var $mParser;
		 * True when a <ref> or <references> tag is being processed.
		 * Used to avoid infinite recursion
		 * @var boolean
		var $mInCite = false;

		 * Constructor
		function Cite() {

		/**#@+ @access private */

		 * Callback function for <ref>
		 * @param string $str Input
		 * @param array $argv Arguments
		 * @return string
		function ref( $str, $argv, $parser ) {
			if ( $this->mInCite ) {
				return htmlspecialchars( "<ref>$str</ref>" );
			} else {
				$this->mInCite = true;
				$ret = $this->guardedRef( $str, $argv, $parser );
				$this->mInCite = false;
				return $ret;
		function guardedRef( $str, $argv, $parser ) {
			$this->mParser = $parser;
			$key = $this->refArg( $argv );
			if ( $str !== null ) {
				if ( $str === '' )
					return $this->error( CITE_ERROR_REF_NO_INPUT );
				if ( is_string( $key ) )
					// I don't want keys in the form of /^[0-9]+$/ because they would
					// conflict with the php datastructure I'm using, besides, why specify
					// a manual key if it's just going to be any old integer?
					if ( sprintf( '%d', $key ) === (string)$key )
						return $this->error( CITE_ERROR_REF_NUMERIC_KEY );
						return $this->stack( $str, $key );
				else if ( $key === null )
					return $this->stack( $str );
				else if ( $key === false )
					return $this->error( CITE_ERROR_REF_TOO_MANY_KEYS );
					$this->croak( CITE_ERROR_KEY_INVALID_1, serialize( $key ) );
			} else if ( $str === null ) {
				if ( is_string( $key ) )
					if ( sprintf( '%d', $key ) === (string)$key )
						return $this->error( CITE_ERROR_REF_NUMERIC_KEY );
						return $this->stack( $str, $key );
				else if ( $key === false )
					return $this->error( CITE_ERROR_REF_TOO_MANY_KEYS );
				else if ( $key === null )
					return $this->error( CITE_ERROR_REF_NO_KEY );
					$this->croak( CITE_ERROR_KEY_INVALID_2, serialize( $key ) );
			} else
				$this->croak( CITE_ERROR_STR_INVALID, serialize( $str ) );

		 * Parse the arguments to the <ref> tag
		 * @static
		 * @param array $argv The argument vector
		 * @return mixed false on invalid input, a string on valid
		 *               input and null on no input
		function refArg( $argv ) {

			$cnt = count( $argv );
			if ( $cnt > 1 )
				// There should only be one key
				return false;
			else if ( $cnt == 1 )
				if ( isset( $argv['name'] ) )
					// Key given.
					return $this->validateName( array_shift( $argv ) );
					// Invalid key
					return false;
				// No key
				return null;
		 * Since the key name is used in an XHTML id attribute, it must
		 * conform to the validity rules. The restriction to begin with
		 * a letter is lifted since references have their own prefix.
		 * @fixme merge this code with the various section name transformations
		 * @fixme double-check for complete validity
		 * @return string if valid, false if invalid
		function validateName( $name ) {
			if( preg_match( '/^[A-Za-z0-9:_.-]*$/i', $name ) ) {
				return $name;
			} else {
				$text = urlencode( str_replace( ' ', '_', $name ) );
				$replacearray = array(
					'%3A' => ':',
					'%' => '.'
				return str_replace(
					array_keys( $replacearray ),
					array_values( $replacearray ),
					$text );

		 * Populate $this->mRefs based on input and arguments to <ref>
		 * @param string $str Input from the <ref> tag
		 * @param mixed $key Argument to the <ref> tag as returned by $this->refArg()
		 * @return string 
		function stack( $str, $key = null ) {
			if ( $key === null ) {
				// No key
				$this->mRefs[] = $str;
				return $this->linkRef( $this->mInCnt++ );
			} else if ( is_string( $key ) )
				// Valid key
				if ( ! isset( $this->mRefs[$key] ) || ! is_array( $this->mRefs[$key] ) ) {
					// First occourance
					$this->mRefs[$key] = array(
						'text' => $str,
						'count' => 0,
						'number' => ++$this->mOutCnt
				} else {
					// We've been here before
					if ( $this->mRefs[$key]['text'] === null && $str !== '' ) {
						// If no text found before, use this text
						$this->mRefs[$key]['text'] = $str;
						); }
				$this->croak( CITE_ERROR_STACK_INVALID_INPUT, serialize( array( $key, $str ) ) );
		 * Callback function for <references>
		 * @param string $str Input
		 * @param array $argv Arguments
		 * @return string
		function references( $str, $argv, $parser ) {
			if ( $this->mInCite ) {
				if ( is_null( $str ) ) {
					return htmlspecialchars( "<references/>" );
				} else {
					return htmlspecialchars( "<references>$str</references>" );
			} else {
				$this->mInCite = true;
				$ret = $this->guardedReferences( $str, $argv, $parser );
				$this->mInCite = false;
				return $ret;
		function guardedReferences( $str, $argv, $parser ) {
			$this->mParser = $parser;
			/*if ( $str !== null )
				return $this->error( CITE_ERROR_REFERENCES_INVALID_INPUT );
			else*/ if ( count( $argv ) )
				return $this->referencesFormat( $str );

		 * Make output to be returned from the references() function
		 * @param string $str The content of the reference
		 * @return string XHTML ready for output
		function referencesFormat( $str ) {
			if ( count( $this->mRefs ) == 0 )
				return '';

			$str = "\n" . $str . "\n";
			$addents = Array();
			$fragments = array();
			# match lines like these:
			# somename|This is the reference text for some text
			# lines may continue on following lines if indented
			preg_match_all( "/\\n([^|=:\\n\\t ]+?)[\\t ]*[|=:][\\t ]*([^\\n]*(?:\\n[\\t ][^\\n]*)*)/s", $str, $fragments, PREG_SET_ORDER );
			foreach ( $fragments as $fragment ) {
				# Skip empty lines
				if ( count( $fragment ) == 0 ) {
				$addents[$fragment[1]] = $fragment[2];
			$ent = array();
			foreach ( $this->mRefs as $k => $v )
				$ent[] = $this->referencesFormatEntry( $k, (is_array( $v ) && $v['text']=='' ) ? $addents[$k] : $v);
			$prefix = wfMsgForContentNoTrans( 'cite_references_prefix' );
			$suffix = wfMsgForContentNoTrans( 'cite_references_suffix' );
			$content = implode( "\n", $ent );
			// Live hack: parse() adds two newlines on WM, can't reproduce it locally -ævar
			return rtrim( $this->parse( $prefix . $content . $suffix ), "\n" );

		 * Format a single entry for the referencesFormat() function
		 * @param string $key The key of the reference
		 * @param mixed $val The value of the reference, string for anonymous
		 *                   references, array for user-suppplied
		 * @return string Wikitext
		function referencesFormatEntry( $key, $val ) {
			// Anonymous reference
			if ( ! is_array( $val ) )
						$this->referencesKey( $key ),
						$this->refKey( $key ),
			else if ($val['text']=='') return
						$this->referencesKey( $key ),
						$this->refKey( $key, $val['count'] ),
			// Standalone named reference, I want to format this like an
			// anonymous reference because displaying "1. 1.1 Ref text" is
			// overkill and users frequently use named references when they
			// don't need them for convenience
			else if ( $val['count'] === 0 )
						$this->referencesKey( $key ),
						$this->refKey( $key, $val['count'] ),
						( $val['text'] != '' ? $val['text'] : $this->error( CITE_ERROR_REFERENCES_NO_TEXT ) )
			// Named references with >1 occurrences
			else {
				$links = array();

				for ( $i = 0; $i <= $val['count']; ++$i ) {
					$links[] = wfMsgForContentNoTrans(
							$this->refKey( $key, $i ),
							$this->referencesFormatEntryNumericBacklinkLabel( $val['number'], $i, $val['count'] ),
							$this->referencesFormatEntryAlternateBacklinkLabel( $i )

				$list = $this->listToText( $links );

					wfMsgForContentNoTrans( 'cite_references_link_many',
						$this->referencesKey( $key ),
						( $val['text'] != '' ? $val['text'] : $this->error( CITE_ERROR_REFERENCES_NO_TEXT ) )

		 * Generate a numeric backlink given a base number and an
		 * offset, e.g. $base = 1, $offset = 2; = 1.2
		 * Since bug #5525, it correctly does 1.9 -> 1.10 as well as 1.099 -> 1.100
		 * @static
		 * @param int $base The base
		 * @param int $offset The offset
		 * @param int $max Maximum value expected.
		 * @return string
		function referencesFormatEntryNumericBacklinkLabel( $base, $offset, $max ) {
			global $wgContLang;
			$scope = strlen( $max );
			$ret = $wgContLang->formatNum(
				sprintf("%s.%0{$scope}s", $base, $offset)
			return $ret;

		 * Generate a custom format backlink given an offset, e.g.
		 * $offset = 2; = c if $this->mBacklinkLabels = array( 'a',
		 * 'b', 'c', ...). Return an error if the offset > the # of
		 * array items
		 * @param int $offset The offset
		 * @return string
		function referencesFormatEntryAlternateBacklinkLabel( $offset ) {
			if ( !isset( $this->mBacklinkLabels ) ) {
			if ( isset( $this->mBacklinkLabels[$offset] ) ) {
				return $this->mBacklinkLabels[$offset];
			} else {
				// Feed me!

		 * Return an id for use in wikitext output based on a key and
		 * optionally the # of it, used in <references>, not <ref>
		 * (since otherwise it would link to itself)
		 * @static
		 * @param string $key The key
		 * @param int $num The number of the key
		 * @return string A key for use in wikitext
		function refKey( $key, $num = null ) {
			$prefix = wfMsgForContent( 'cite_reference_link_prefix' );
			$suffix = wfMsgForContent( 'cite_reference_link_suffix' );
			if ( isset( $num ) )
				$key = wfMsgForContentNoTrans( 'cite_reference_link_key_with_num', $key, $num );
			return $prefix . $key . $suffix;

		 * Return an id for use in wikitext output based on a key and
		 * optionally the # of it, used in <ref>, not <references>
		 * (since otherwise it would link to itself)
		 * @static
		 * @param string $key The key
		 * @param int $num The number of the key
		 * @return string A key for use in wikitext
		function referencesKey( $key, $num = null ) {
			$prefix = wfMsgForContent( 'cite_references_link_prefix' );
			$suffix = wfMsgForContent( 'cite_references_link_suffix' );
			if ( isset( $num ) )
				$key = wfMsgForContentNoTrans( 'cite_reference_link_key_with_num', $key, $num );
			return $prefix . $key . $suffix;

		 * Generate a link (<sup ...) for the <ref> element from a key
		 * and return XHTML ready for output
		 * @param string $key The key for the link
		 * @param int $count The # of the key, used for distinguishing
		 *                   multiple occourances of the same key
		 * @param int $label The label to use for the link, I want to
		 *                   use the same label for all occourances of
		 *                   the same named reference.
		 * @return string
		function linkRef( $key, $count = null, $label = null ) {
			global $wgContLang;

						$this->refKey( $key, $count ),
						$this->referencesKey( $key ),
						$wgContLang->formatNum( is_null( $label ) ? ++$this->mOutCnt : $label )

		 * This does approximately the same thing as
		 * Langauge::listToText() but due to this being used for a
		 * slightly different purpose (people might not want , as the
		 * first seperator and not 'and' as the second, and this has to
		 * use messages from the content language) I'm rolling my own.
		 * @static
		 * @param array $arr The array to format
		 * @return string
		function listToText( $arr ) {
			$cnt = count( $arr );

			$sep = wfMsgForContentNoTrans( 'cite_references_link_many_sep' );
			$and = wfMsgForContentNoTrans( 'cite_references_link_many_and' );

			if ( $cnt == 1 )
				// Enforce always returning a string
				return (string)$arr[0];
			else {
				$t = array_slice( $arr, 0, $cnt - 1 );
				return implode( $sep, $t ) . $and . $arr[$cnt - 1];

		 * Parse a given fragment and fix up Tidy's trail of blood on
		 * it...
		 * @param string $in The text to parse
		 * @return string The parsed text
		function parse( $in ) {
			if ( method_exists( $this->mParser, 'recursiveTagParse' ) ) {
				// New fast method
				return $this->mParser->recursiveTagParse( $in );
			} else {
				// Old method
				$ret = $this->mParser->parse(
					// Avoid whitespace buildup
					// Important, otherwise $this->clearState()
					// would get run every time <ref> or
					// <references> is called, fucking the whole
					// thing up.
				$text = $ret->getText();
				return $this->fixTidy( $text );

		 * Tidy treats all input as a block, it will e.g. wrap most
		 * input in <p> if it isn't already, fix that and return the fixed text
		 * @static
		 * @param string $text The text to fix
		 * @return string The fixed text
		function fixTidy( $text ) {
			global $wgUseTidy;

			if ( ! $wgUseTidy )
				return $text;
			else {
				$text = preg_replace( '~^<p>\s*~', '', $text );
				$text = preg_replace( '~\s*</p>\s*~', '', $text );
				$text = preg_replace( '~\n$~', '', $text );
				return $text;

		 * Generate the labels to pass to the
		 * 'cite_references_link_many_format' message, the format is an
		 * arbitary number of tokens seperated by [\t\n ]
		function genBacklinkLabels() {
			wfProfileIn( __METHOD__ );
			$text = wfMsgForContentNoTrans( 'cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels' );
			$this->mBacklinkLabels = preg_split( '#[\n\t ]#', $text );
			wfProfileOut( __METHOD__ );

		 * Gets run when Parser::clearState() gets run, since we don't
		 * want the counts to transcend pages and other instances
		function clearState() {
			$this->mOutCnt = $this->mInCnt = 0;
			$this->mRefs = array();

			return true;

		 * Initialize the parser hooks
		function setHooks() {
			global $wgParser, $wgHooks;
			$wgParser->setHook( 'ref' , array( &$this, 'ref' ) );
			$wgParser->setHook( 'references' , array( &$this, 'references' ) );

			$wgHooks['ParserClearState'][] = array( &$this, 'clearState' );

		 * Return an error message based on an error ID
		 * @param int $id ID for the error
		 * @return string XHTML ready for output
		function error( $id ) {
			if ( $id > 0 )
				// User errors are positive
						'<strong class="error">' .
						wfMsg( 'cite_error', $id, wfMsg( "cite_error_$id" ) ) .
			else if ( $id < 0 )
				return wfMsg( 'cite_error', $id );

		 * Die with a backtrace if something happens in the code which
		 * shouldn't have
		 * @param int $error  ID for the error
		 * @param string $data Serialized error data
		function croak( $error, $data ) {
			wfDebugDieBacktrace( wfMsgForContent( 'cite_croak', $this->error( $error ), $data ) );


	new Cite;
