JAllemandou (WMF)
Joined 11 February 2015

Joseph Allemandou
Data Engineer, Wikimedia Foundation
If there is no solution, it is because there is no problem (Les Shadoks).
About me
I began working for the Wikimedia Foundation in February 2015.
I love comics, jazz and good wine :)
My work
I help working with WMF data, from content oriented data to logs analysis.
Disclaimer: I work for the Wikimedia Foundation, and this is the account I intend to use for edits or statements I make in that role. However, the Foundation does not vet all my activity, so edits, statements, or other contributions made by this account may not reflect the views of the Foundation.
Contact me
- E-mail: joal
- IRC: joal in #wikimedia-analytics on irc.freenode.net