Hi, I am a 3rd Year Computer Science And Engineering UG student in Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.

I program in C, Perl and Python(generally prefer Python for personal projects) and have extensive web development experience using languages, tools and frameworks like Django, HTML/HTML5, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Jquery, Backbone.js, Knockout.js, AJAX, XML and JSON.

I designed an Online Automatic Registration System in Python using Django framework with functionality for student and faculty registration, adding and dropping courses, course-form validation, time-table clash-detector, etc as part of a Software Engineering course.

This winter, as part of my intern, I designed Indian travel industry’s first complete itinerary planner as a single-page application using Python(Django), Javascript, Jquery and Knockout.js for HighOnTravelTM.

I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.