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LST of User:Cpiral#MediaWiki, basic wikitext: For MediaWiki, I presided over CirrusSearch's userland, by virtue of being the main editor of the initial help page and by answering the questions on the discussion page. For many months I documented at Help:CirrusSearch, (now moved to /CirrusSearch). My version of CirrusSearch is now 98% informative, 90% polished. Help:CirrusSearch only 70% informative, 50% polished. My documentation is derived by trial and error experiments, guided by heavy usage on Wikipedia, and by what was missing from the available documentation.

I also interact with the folks phabricator.

LST of Help:Extension:Translate/Page translation example#Step 4: Making changes, which has Translate markup:

Understanding how changes are impacting translations and translations units

Processing changes

Tracking changes is a very important feature, so let's make some changes and see how it works. When you open the page for editing you will see that it has been modified with markers like <!--T:1-->. These are added by the extension and help it identify which unit is which. This allows you to rearrange and edit those units. When editing the page, the markers should be left alone and their position in relation to the unit they belong to should not be changed. When moving a unit, move the unit marker, too.

When deleting a unit, delete the marker too. When adding new paragraphs, new markers will be added by the software. Do not try to do this manually, it may confuse the software. Markers you have deleted will also be automatically deleted by the bot in the existing translations.

If you do minor changes to an existing translation unit (adding a few words or a link to a paragraph), keep the marker. If you change a whole paragraph (delete and rebuilt it), delete the marker. This way, translators will have different tasks, between reviewing a fuzzy translation or create a new translation.

Let's modify something!


Here is what you will do:

<languages /> <translate> <!--T:1--> Fréttinga is a small municipality in MungoLand, located on the BaMungo island. It hosts a population of about 400 people. It has some agriculture and fishing. Tourists like to visit it in the summertime. It has marvelous beaches with a lot of seagulls. == Services == <!--T:2--> <!--T:3--> It doesn't have many services. There is a shop, and a car ferry visits the island from the mainland once a day. In 2009 January the roof of the church in the island fell down. It was rebuilt collaboratively the following summer. </translate>

  • 10. Make some additions as highlighted above
  • 11. Click the "marked for translation" link at the top
  • 12. Observe the changes
  • 13. Click the "mark for translation" button (reminder: you have to be a Translation administrator for this)
  • 14. Return to the original page

If you made translations as suggested in the previous step, you can now see those translations linked at the top of the page. You will also see that the translation is not 100 % up to date. If you go to the translation view, you see that the unit is marked as in need of updating.

Outdated translations will be highlighted by a pink background; the user is told that translation is incomplete.

The translation template view helps you to see what parts of the page are constant in all language versions (the "Translation page template", i.e. the parts outside ‎<translate>...‎</translate> tags) and also shows you if units have been moved around or deleted.

There might be a slight delay before all translated versions are updated, because there can be many pages to update.

You now know the basics, but this tutorial will continue with more things that you are likely to encounter.

Translate markup causes it to fail, yet the same LST works if you substitute.