Hi ... I arrive at wikimedia on august of 2004, mainly looking for a tool to communicate with the other members of a project development.

Actually I try to extend mediawiki with 2 simple extensions i made :

A extension to draw graphs online with GraphViz language: GraphViz Extension

and an extension to draw images and graphs using SVG syntax /SVG Extension or at the original web : SVGExtension

I am developing another extension, this one is a bit more complicated than the others Its a Security enhancement for the wiki /Security Extension

The last extension is Higlight Code , currently under development at Syntax Highlight has a few examples, more information locally at /Syntax Highlight

More highlight colored extension added by skr , it uses another program to colored the code ,its called geshi, and the user needs to install it, : /Geshi Syntax Highlight extension

Visit my main page at wickle dot com for more projects and info.


Main interests

LDAP Authentification look here
