Clément Flipo
Clément Flipo
Clément Flipo
Product Owner and Co-Founder, Dokit & Wikifab
My goal is to improve the general usability of the platform.

About me

Hi! I am Clément Flipo, co-founder of Wikifab and

In 2015, we have started to built a large community ( of people willing to share their creations and DIY projects by levaraging both the Mediawiki and Semantic Mediawiki software, and are convinced that Mediawiki can be leveraged to share know-how at a large scale and to build engaged communities thanks to social features.

My work

With Dokit, we have acquired over the years, a good understanding on how businesses (MediaWiki users or not) see in MediaWiki a great way to share knowledge within the organization.

We have also developed a rather good knowledge about how to improve the general UX of a wiki (Responsive design, Page layout, etc.) and thus improve the usability of the platform.

Contact me