Translations:Wikimedia Language and Product Localization/Newsletter/2024/October/14/en

  • A session on language support was hosted at the Wikindaba Hackathon, discussing how volunteers can contribute to testing internationalization and localization to ensure software usability in their languages. The importance of surfacing language-specific issues was emphasized to ensure they receive the necessary technical support and community involvement to resolve them. Ahead of the Wikindaba Hackathon, Khoehoe was added to, along with a new keyboard for the language [1]. This initiative is part of the Khoe, Saan, and Xam'issa Language Project, aiming to promote editing and language incubation in Wikipedia for Khoe, Saan, and Kaaps languages.
  • At the Let's Connect Technology for Language Diversity session, the role of technology in supporting language diversity on Wikimedia projects was explored, with a focus on growth and incubation technologies. Participants engaged in a hands-on workshop using and Section Translation tools and shared positive experiences with the latter for adding citations.
  • A session on the future of language incubation was hosted at the Celtic Knot Conference, discussing improvements to the onboarding process for new languages on Wikimedia platforms.
  • Multiple sessions on language tools, onboarding, and strategies for developing Nigeria’s local languages were hosted at Wikiconference Nigeria, engaging over 70 attendees.
  • A session on the state of language technology and onboarding at Wikimedia was hosted at Wikimania, exploring current tools and discussion on improving the language onboarding experience across Wikimedia platforms. The Language support track at the Wikimania Hackathon focused on addressing technical requests for new and existing language communities across Wikimedia projects.
  • In case you missed the language community meeting in August, you can catch up by watching the video recording and reading the notes. This meeting had over 35 attendees, covering topics such as mapping language documentation initiatives, updates on the Language Diversity Hub, and a report on supporting South African languages during the Wikimania hackathon. Sign up here to attend the upcoming meeting in November.