Topic on Extension talk:CIForms/Flow

Having trouble with emailing forms (mediawiki REL1_42, CIForms 1.3.2, PHP-8.3)

Richardpruen (talkcontribs)

Hi having trouble with the email feature, for some reason no email is sent. The logs show no errors, but the warnings below are logged on form submission. Config included below:

Any tips on further steps/things to try would be great.

PHP Warning:  Undefined array key " --list_style_type " in /var/www/ on line 1964

PHP Warning:  Undefined array key " --list_style_type " in /var/www/ on line 1971

Config for extension:

#CI Forms setup
wfLoadExtension( 'CIForms' );
$wgCIFormsDataAccess = 'staff' ;
$wgCIFormsSuccessMessage = 'The form has been sent, thank you!';
$wgCIFormsErrorMessage = 'We couldn\'t send your form, please try again or contact the support at  $wgEmergencyContact.';
$wgCIFormsMailer = 'smtp';
$wgCIFormsSMTPHost = 'mail.sameserver.mediawik.uses';
$wgCIFormsSMTPUsername = 'the-user';
$wgCIFormsSMTPPassword = 'password-is-correct';
$wgCIFormsSMTPPort = 25;
$wgCIFormsEmailTo = 'account(at)mywiki';
$wgCIFormsSenderEmail = 'forms(at)mywiki';
$wgCIFormsSenderName = 'Form Submission';
#0 form overrides default, 1 default overrides form, 2 both email addresses
$wgCIFormsDataAccessGlobalMode = 0;
#0 form overrides default, 1 default overrides form, 2 both email addresses
$wgCIFormsEmailToGlobalMode = 0;
Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)
Richardpruen (talkcontribs)

Ok, I will look into that, thanks.

Richardpruen (talkcontribs)

That gives the following error trying to send email

/mediawiki/index.php/Special:EmailUser Symfony\Component\Mime\Exception\LogicException: The "Reply-To" header must be an instance of "Symfony\Component\Mime\Header\MailboxListHeader" (got "Symfony\Component\Mime\Header\UnstructuredHeader").

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

@Richardpruen can you please try to remove the reply-to clause and check again if it works ?

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

(I'm planning to do an update with support for re-captcha 3, which is more transparent, to I will fix those issues as well)

Richardpruen (talkcontribs)

I tried removing the reply-to but then users cannot send email to each other, I will wait for the fix.

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

helli @Richardpruen I've updated both CIForms and EmailNotifications -- the error above (Undefined array key " --list_style_type ") should be fixed, while $wgCIFormsMailer = 'EmailNotifications'; can now be used to send email using EmailNotifications (despite the CIForms mailer should work as well)

Richardpruen (talkcontribs)

Thanks now I have the following trying to send email to users

/mediawiki/index.php/Special:EmailUser TypeError: Symfony\Component\Mime\Header\Headers::addMailboxListHeader(): Argument #2 ($addresses) must be of type array, string given, called in /var/www/ on line 124
Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)
Richardpruen (talkcontribs)

That is odd... I will do some digging there, time is limited so it may be a while

Reply to "Having trouble with emailing forms (mediawiki REL1_42, CIForms 1.3.2, PHP-8.3)"