Extension talk:CIForms/Flow

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Having trouble with emailing forms (mediawiki REL1_42, CIForms 1.3.2, PHP-8.3)

Richardpruen (talkcontribs)

Hi having trouble with the email feature, for some reason no email is sent. The logs show no errors, but the warnings below are logged on form submission. Config included below:

Any tips on further steps/things to try would be great.

PHP Warning:  Undefined array key " --list_style_type " in /var/www/my.wiki/htdocs/mediawiki/extensions/CIForms/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Css/Style.php on line 1964

PHP Warning:  Undefined array key " --list_style_type " in /var/www/my.wiki/htdocs/mediawiki/extensions/CIForms/vendor/dompdf/dompdf/src/Css/Style.php on line 1971

Config for extension:

#CI Forms setup
wfLoadExtension( 'CIForms' );
$wgCIFormsDataAccess = 'staff' ;
$wgCIFormsSuccessMessage = 'The form has been sent, thank you!';
$wgCIFormsErrorMessage = 'We couldn\'t send your form, please try again or contact the support at  $wgEmergencyContact.';
$wgCIFormsMailer = 'smtp';
$wgCIFormsSMTPHost = 'mail.sameserver.mediawik.uses';
$wgCIFormsSMTPUsername = 'the-user';
$wgCIFormsSMTPPassword = 'password-is-correct';
$wgCIFormsSMTPPort = 25;
$wgCIFormsEmailTo = 'account(at)mywiki';
$wgCIFormsSenderEmail = 'forms(at)mywiki';
$wgCIFormsSenderName = 'Form Submission';
#0 form overrides default, 1 default overrides form, 2 both email addresses
$wgCIFormsDataAccessGlobalMode = 0;
#0 form overrides default, 1 default overrides form, 2 both email addresses
$wgCIFormsEmailToGlobalMode = 0;
Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)
Richardpruen (talkcontribs)

Ok, I will look into that, thanks.

Richardpruen (talkcontribs)

That gives the following error trying to send email

/mediawiki/index.php/Special:EmailUser Symfony\Component\Mime\Exception\LogicException: The "Reply-To" header must be an instance of "Symfony\Component\Mime\Header\MailboxListHeader" (got "Symfony\Component\Mime\Header\UnstructuredHeader").

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

@Richardpruen can you please try to remove the reply-to clause and check again if it works ?

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

(I'm planning to do an update with support for re-captcha 3, which is more transparent, to I will fix those issues as well)

Richardpruen (talkcontribs)

I tried removing the reply-to but then users cannot send email to each other, I will wait for the fix.

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

helli @Richardpruen I've updated both CIForms and EmailNotifications -- the error above (Undefined array key " --list_style_type ") should be fixed, while $wgCIFormsMailer = 'EmailNotifications'; can now be used to send email using EmailNotifications (despite the CIForms mailer should work as well)

Richardpruen (talkcontribs)

Thanks now I have the following trying to send email to users

/mediawiki/index.php/Special:EmailUser TypeError: Symfony\Component\Mime\Header\Headers::addMailboxListHeader(): Argument #2 ($addresses) must be of type array, string given, called in /var/www/safernicotine.wiki/htdocs/mediawiki/extensions/EmailNotifications/includes/EmailNotifications.php on line 124
Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)
Richardpruen (talkcontribs)

That is odd... I will do some digging there, time is limited so it may be a while

Reply to "Having trouble with emailing forms (mediawiki REL1_42, CIForms 1.3.2, PHP-8.3)"

Form Submission Error with Google reCAPTCHA

Aeyeu (talkcontribs)

I'm running MediaWiki 1.39.8 LTS with CIForms versions 1.3.0 from the REL1_39 branch on your GitHub, I'm running into the following error trying to implement a mail-in form with Google reCAPTCHA, "Form submission Captcha challenge not found. Please try again or contact admin@mywiki.wiki to receive support", I am using a CSP with the $wgCSPHeader header, it contains the following CSP declarations:

$wgCSPHeader = [

"useNonces" => false,

"script-src" => [





"default-src" => [




"style-src" => [ '\'self\'' ],

"object-src" => [ '\'none\'' ]


And I have the following CIForms Config:

$wgCIFormsSenderEmail = "admin@mywiki.wiki";

$wgCIFormsSenderName = "Admin - My Wiki";

$wgCIFormsMailer = "smtp";

$wgCIFormsSMTPHost = "smtp.company.email";

$wgCIFormsSMTPUsername = "admin@mywiki.wiki";

$wgCIFormsSMTPPassword = "password";

$wgCIFormsSMTPPort - 587;

$wgCIFormsDataAccess = [ "bureaucrat", "administrators", "content-moderators" ];

$wgCIFormsGoogleRecaptchaSiteKey = "key";

$wgCIFormsGoogleRecaptchaSecret = "secret";

The Google ReCAPTCHA secret and site key are valid and I've double checked that, and I'm not sure what could be causing the issue, there's no errors reported in my web console, by apache, by my CSP or anything. Help would very much be appreciated, thanks!

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

@Aeyeu first of all can you try to install 1.3.2 ? thank you

Aeyeu (talkcontribs)

I did that, and it still is giving the same error, however with 1.3.2 I'm getting a composer requirement failure, which you may want to resolve.

"Root composer.json requires dompdf/dompdf ^1.0, ^3.0, found dompdf/dompdf[dev-rtl_language_support_and_computed_css, dev-resource-validation-updates, dev-vertical-align, dev-master, dev-rtl, dev-v2-maintenance, dev-stylesheet-parsing-updates, dev-develop, dev-paging-updates, v0.6.0, ..., v0.8.6, v1.0.0, ..., v1.2.2, v2.0.0, ..., v2.0.8, v3.0.0] but it does not match the constraint."

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

that seems strange, since composer requires dompdf/dompdf ^3.0

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

also there is this typo in your settings

 $wgCIFormsSMTPPort - 587; 
Aeyeu (talkcontribs)

Yeah I fixed that mistake after searching for solutions, for some reason randomly when I refreshed the page I got a captcha in front of every wiki element and at the top of the page, completing this did nothing to fix the issue, even when disabling my CSP the reCaptcha had failed to generate.

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)
Aeyeu (talkcontribs)

Okay, what does this mean for me? Also are we able to get Cloudflare's Turnstile supported by chance?

Aeyeu (talkcontribs)

I swapped to reCAPTCHA V3 and I get a different error now, "[972bca6f451455c90a42dbd1] /w/Special:CIFormsSubmit TypeError: htmlspecialchars(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, array given"

Reply to "Form Submission Error with Google reCAPTCHA"

reCAPTCHA token timeout

Jachym16 (talkcontribs)

Hi, I use reCAPTCHA V3 in CIForms for users to fill out their requests. Recently, users started to complain about errors when sending the form. It turned out the error is timeout-or-duplicate. Since the token is generated once the page is loaded and its lifetime is just 2 minutes, it can take more time for users to fill out the form. So far, I fixed it by calling the function that generates the captcha token every 90 seconds. The change was made in resources/validation.js. The patch is below. Is there any chance to fix this?

--- validation.js 2024-04-10 08:33:50.225438151 +0200

+++ validation_new.js 2024-04-10 08:33:43.701502919 +0200

@@ -35,6 +35,34 @@

.replace( />/g, '\x3E' );


+  function executeRecaptchaValidation() {

+    var site_key = mw.config.get('ci_forms_google_recaptcha_site_key');


+    mw.loader.getScript('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=' + site_key)

+        .then(

+            function () {

+                if ($('input[name="g-recaptcha-response"]').length) {

+                    grecaptcha.ready(function () {

+                        grecaptcha.execute(site_key, { action: 'validate_captcha' })

+                            .then(function (token) {

+                                $('input[name="g-recaptcha-response"]').val(token);

+                            })

+                            .catch(function (error) {});

+                    });

+                }

+            },

+            function (e) {

+                mw.log.error(e.message);

+            }

+        );

+  }


+  executeRecaptchaValidation();

+  // Obnoveni recaptcha tokenu kazdych 90 vterin

+  setInterval(executeRecaptchaValidation, 90 * 1000);



+  /*

var site_key = mw.config.get( 'ci_forms_google_recaptcha_site_key' );


@@ -57,6 +85,8 @@



+  */


$( '.ci_form' ).each( function ( index ) {

var paging = $( this )

.find( 'input[type=hidden][name=form_paging]' )

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

@Jachym16 thanks a lot! added in latest version (1.3.2)

Jachym16 (talkcontribs)

Hi, Thank you for resolving that issue. However, it turned out to be a temporary solution for me. Since the form is placed on a landing page, it generated a large number of unwanted reCaptcha tokens. Recently, reCaptcha started to give everyone a score of about 0.1 (though I'm not sure if it's related). I believe the best solution would be to request the token only when the Submit button is pressed. Please find the patch file below. Thanks, Jáchym

--- validation.js	2024-07-08 10:54:01.464233524 +0200
+++ validation.js.new	2024-07-08 11:04:26.478076333 +0200
@@ -35,21 +35,29 @@

 			.replace( />/g, '\x3E' );
   function executeRecaptchaValidation() {
     var site_key = mw.config.get('ci_forms_google_recaptcha_site_key');
-    mw.loader.getScript('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=' + site_key)
+    return mw.loader.getScript('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=' + site_key)
             function () {
-                if ($('input[name="g-recaptcha-response"]').length) {
-                    grecaptcha.ready(function () {
-                        grecaptcha.execute(site_key, { action: 'validate_captcha' })
-                            .then(function (token) {
-                                $('input[name="g-recaptcha-response"]').val(token);
-                            })
-                            .catch(function (error) {});
-                    });
-                }
+                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+                    if ($('input[name="g-recaptcha-response"]').length) {
+                        grecaptcha.ready(function () {
+                            grecaptcha.execute(site_key, { action: 'validate_captcha' })
+                                .then(function (token) {
+                                    $('input[name="g-recaptcha-response"]').val(token);
+                                    resolve();
+                                })
+                                .catch(function (error) {
+                                    reject(error);
+                                });
+                        });
+                    } else {
+                        resolve();
+                    }
+                });
             function (e) {
@@ -57,35 +65,6 @@
-  executeRecaptchaValidation();
-  // Obnoveni recaptcha tokenu kazdych 90 vterin
-  setInterval(executeRecaptchaValidation, 90 * 1000);
-  /*
-	var site_key = mw.config.get( 'ci_forms_google_recaptcha_site_key' );
-	mw.loader
-		.getScript( 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=' + site_key )
-		.then(
-			function () {
-				if ( $( 'input[name="g-recaptcha-response"]' ).length ) {
-					grecaptcha.ready( function () {
-						grecaptcha
-							.execute( site_key, { action: 'validate_captcha' } )
-							.then( function ( token ) {
-								$( 'input[name="g-recaptcha-response"]' ).val( token );
-							} )
-							.catch( function ( error ) {} );
-					} );
-				}
-			},
-			function ( e ) {
-				mw.log.error( e.message );
-			}
-		);
-  */
 	$( '.ci_form' ).each( function ( index ) {
 		var paging = $( this )
@@ -425,5 +404,16 @@
 				return false;
+    // zabrani odeslani formulare - provede se manualne po validaci recaptcha
+    evt.preventDefault();
+    executeRecaptchaValidation().then(() => {
+        this.submit(); // submit formulare
+    }).catch(() => {
+        alert('reCAPTCHA validation failed. Please try again.');
+    });
 	} );
 } );

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)
Reply to "reCAPTCHA token timeout"

dompdf/dompdf SSRF issue

Taavi (talkcontribs)
Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

thank you, I will do at the next update of the extension

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

@Taavi fixed in the latest version (1.3.2), thanks a lot!

Reply to "dompdf/dompdf SSRF issue"

Sending Email to the form-sender

Parzival1200 (talkcontribs)

Is there a way to also send the pdf-form to the user who filled the formula?

I shy away from editing the extention code directly but I think there is no other way?

Can you help me with that?

Parzival1200 (talkcontribs)

I solved it...

I added th the CIFormsSubmit.php on line 137 this:

if ($user->getEmail() !== '') {

        $mail->addAddress( $user->getEmail() );


Now the Mail es sent to the user who filld the formula if he/she is loggend-in and has a email-adress in user. may be not the best solution but works

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

@Parzival1200 thank you, I will take it into account at the next release

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

@Parzival1200 added in the latest version (1.3.2) thank you!

Reply to "Sending Email to the form-sender"

Page status indicators after upgrading MediaWiki

Cru121 (talkcontribs)

I had our MediaWiki software updated from 1.35 to 1.39. After the upgrade, the number "1" started appearing on all our wiki pages that use CIForms, in the top right corner of the page, in the title line.

<div class="mw-indicators">
<div id="mw-indicator-ciform" class="mw-indicator"><div class="mw-parser-output">1</div></div>

Apparently, this is a page status indicator. Any tips how to turn it off? I guess I could hide it via CSS.

Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

You should locate the indicator in the page source (or template) and remove it from the page. Hiding it with CSS is just hiding the problem, not solving it.

Cru121 (talkcontribs)

Neither the page source nor the template adds the indicator. Even a brand new page with the following code displays it.

{{#CI form: title = Hello world}}
Ciencia Al Poder (talkcontribs)

I don't know what's #CI form and what it does. Can you create a page with *only* Hello world?

Also, what extensions have you installed? Maybe one of the extensions is adding it

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

@Cru121 and @Ciencia Al Poder I'm sorry for the delay, I plan to publish a version that solves the issue as soon as possible, with some new feature

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

@Cru121 it should be fixed with the latest version (1.3.2) !

Reply to "Page status indicators after upgrading MediaWiki"

Problem with formatting Czech characters inside PDF

Jachym16 (talkcontribs)

Hi,  I have a problem with exporting the forms data into PDF. Not all Czech characters inside the PDF are formatted correctly. I found out that it is the text font that is causing this issue. I found a font that fixes the problem. The solution is to add the line of code from below into createPDF function, inside the $form_output_html variable, inside <style>. After that, all Czech characters are formatted correctly.

$form_output_html .= '* { font-family: DejaVu Sans, sans-serif; }';

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

@Jachym16 added in the latest version (1.3.2) thank you !

Reply to "Problem with formatting Czech characters inside PDF"

Cannot load Special:CIFormsManage or Special:SpecialPages (500 error)

Tarunjoseph93 (talkcontribs)

I currently have the 1.39 package for CI Forms running on MediaWiki 1.41. I've had this issue even when MediaWiki was at version 1.39. Basically when I load the pages Special:CIFormsManage or Special:SpecialPages, I get the following errors:

[562694b55f00e86faf703aa2] /index.php/Special:CIFormsManage Error: Class "MediaWiki\Navigation\PrevNextNavigationRenderer" not found Backtrace: from /var/www/html/extensions/CIForms/includes/specials/PrevNextNavigationRendererCIForms.php(24)

  1. 0 /var/www/html/extensions/CIForms/includes/specials/CIFormsManage.php(24): include_once()
  2. 1 /var/www/html/includes/AutoLoader.php(221): require(string)
  3. 2 [internal function]: AutoLoader::autoload(string)
  4. 3 /var/www/html/vendor/wikimedia/object-factory/src/ObjectFactory.php(285): class_exists(string)
  5. 4 /var/www/html/vendor/wikimedia/object-factory/src/ObjectFactory.php(174): Wikimedia\ObjectFactory\ObjectFactory::validateSpec(string, array)
  6. 5 /var/www/html/vendor/wikimedia/object-factory/src/ObjectFactory.php(149): Wikimedia\ObjectFactory\ObjectFactory::getObjectFromSpec(string, array)
  7. 6 /var/www/html/includes/specialpage/SpecialPageFactory.php(1474): Wikimedia\ObjectFactory\ObjectFactory->createObject(string, array)
  8. 7 /var/www/html/includes/MediaWiki.php(304): MediaWiki\SpecialPage\SpecialPageFactory->getPage(string)
  9. 8 /var/www/html/includes/MediaWiki.php(960): MediaWiki->performRequest()
  10. 9 /var/www/html/includes/MediaWiki.php(613): MediaWiki->main()
  11. 10 /var/www/html/index.php(50): MediaWiki->run()
  12. 11 /var/www/html/index.php(46): wfIndexMain()
  13. 12 {main}

Not sure how to resolve this as no forums online seem to address this issue. Any help would be appreciated.

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

@Tarunjoseph93 since MW 1.41 the class PrevNextNavigationRenderer has been removed, as a consequence CIForms is not currently compatible with MW 1.41. I have scheduled to do a general maintenance of the extension, but I don't have yet an ETA. If you need urgent support you can contact me by email

Tarunjoseph93 (talkcontribs)

Does this mean I need to revert my MW version to 1.40 or 1.39?

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

unless you can/want disable CIForms, yes

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

@Tarunjoseph93 it should be fixed with the latest version (1.3.2) !

Reply to "Cannot load Special:CIFormsManage or Special:SpecialPages (500 error)"

CIForms support MW 1.39 ?

Lotusccong (talkcontribs)

When we click the Download lick, it only show the 1.40, 1.41 and Master (latest development version) .

Which one that I should choose for MW 1.39 ?

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

I think always master, unfortunately the extension does not work on MW 1.41.0. I planned to do a general update of it but had other priorities meanwhile @Lotusccong

School4schools (talkcontribs)

Will look forward to update to MW 1.4+ Great and much appreciated extension!

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

hello @School4schools thanks for your feedback, if you have a public use-case I can post it on the extension's page

School4schools (talkcontribs)

My site is www.school4schools.wiki I was interested in CIF forms for contact forms (I turned them off bc of spam) and quizzes for classes. I haven't implemented them yet, as this is a long-term, side-project. I do need to update to 1.41 for certain new features it brings, including for mobile viewing via MobileFrontend extension, which doesn't work w/ 1.39.

So I'm not a priority, but letting you know you have a great extension!

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)
Reply to "CIForms support MW 1.39 ?"

Just Installed on 1.41

Findjam (talkcontribs)

Hi, I just installed this on MW 1.41 without reading this discussion and I've just learned that it isn't compatible with 1.41 yet,

When I go to Tools -> Special Pages I get an error now and cannot view those pages'

[3ea6e9ec6c538d7cf9d141aa] 2024-03-01 14:01:37: Fatal exception of type "Error".

If I disable the plugin in LocalSettings.php I can then view the special pages again.

I'm not sure what I should do? I'm concerned it's permanently damaged my install in some way. What is the recommended course of action?

Also when I ran the maintainance/update.php It seemed to run ok but there was a warning that I should have executed maintainance/run.php instead. Could this be the problem?


Findjam (talkcontribs)

I've just looked in the error log:

[01-Mar-2024 14:16:40 Europe/London] PHP Deprecated:  Use of ParserOutput::getFlag was deprecated in MediaWiki 1.38. [Called from CIForms::onOutputPageParserOutput in <snipped>/extensions/CIForms/includes/CIForms.php at line 79] in <snipped>/includes/debug/MWDebug.php on line 386

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

hello @Findjam if you just comment it on LocalSettings there won't be any kind of damage to the MW installation. Just, currently it does not work on MW 1.41, I don't still have an ETA for this but you can contact me directly for specific support

Findjam (talkcontribs)

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the reply. No problem at all. I have done that and I just rolled back the DB a few hours just to be on the safe side. No harm done.

Look forward to the update as this really does seem to be the best and most feature rich Form extension, unless I've missed something. If I find some time I may roll my sleeves up and take a look, possibly create a PR on GitHub.

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)
Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

@Findjam the latest version (1.3.2) should work with recent versions of Mediawiki as well !

Reply to "Just Installed on 1.41"
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