Hi! I want to log into Phabricator with mobile app tokens. I tried a couple of times, but I am still unable to log in. can you help me with this?
Topic on Talk:Phabricator/Help/Flow
@CChen (WMF) Hi, I assume this is about the Phab account "cchen" which has 2FA (multi-factor authentication) enabled. What does happen exactly when you try to log in? In case you've lost the device which emits the 2FA codes, we'll need some out of bound verification (video call, Slack, etc) before resetting your Phab account.
@AKlapper (WMF) Thanks for getting back to me! Yes, the 2FA codes are not working after reinstalling my phone. What's the exact verification I need to do to reset it? Maybe through Slack?
@CChen (WMF) Phabricator does not offer reset codes so best would be setting up a video call for verification - probably easiest to set up via a private Slack message?
Verified out of band and 2FA reset.