Topic on Project:Support desk

Unknown error in PHP's mail() function

VerticalTec (talkcontribs)

Good day all.. I am trying to authenticate my email address within the MediaWiki, but when trying to generate the ConfirmationCode it returns with ERR: Feedback from the mail server: Unknown error in the PHP function mail().

As per MediaWiki there is a instruction on what to do, but unfortunately this does not apply to my .php script.

As per instruction there must be within the "sendmail.php" script an section called "$wgSMTP", but this does not exist in my .php script.

Info: I did setup MediaWiki on the Synology-Server and downloaded from PackageManager within Synology.


- Can I just add the "$wgSMTP" to the existing .php script?

- Do you have any other solutions?

Any assistance is highly appreciated.

Best, Tim

Malyacko (talkcontribs)

What does "per MediaWiki" mean exactly? Which docs / URL?

What is "your .php script" exactly?

We don't know what Synology does or changes. You may have to ask Synology. We have nothing to do with them.

Bawolff (talkcontribs)

There is no sendmail.php script in mediawiki...

VerticalTec (talkcontribs)

ok.. thanks for that information.

Malyacko (talkcontribs)

The file "/vendor/pear/mail/Mail/sendmail.php" exists within MediaWiki, maybe that's been a source of confusion here?

VerticalTec (talkcontribs)

Is this any important to use the MediaWiki?

I am asking as I made another post regarding "Toolbar Buttons gone".

I thought this could be due to not activating the MediaWiki by confirming my email address, which is not possible due to this PHP error.

When I login > settings > at the bottom it say I need to confirm my Email address , but that is not possible

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