Topic on Project:Support desk

remove personal identifiable information

Luciferindcok21 (talkcontribs)

How to remove personal identifiable information from a given user.Is there any extensions similar to Extension:RemovePII . How to get the RemovePII for mediawiki 1.39, the default download is compatible only with mediawiki 1.41.

  1. How to remove page history older than 2 months?@Osnard
Bawolff (talkcontribs)

See Suppression.

By default this feature isn't enabled but it is builtin, so you have to gove admins additional user rights

Luciferindcok21 (talkcontribs)

@Bawolff could you please explain how?

Osnard (talkcontribs)
  1. How to remove page history older than 2 months?

I don't think one can do that. But there is Manual:DeleteOldRevisions.php. Be very careful with this, as it will actually remove data. Make a backup before running anything like this.

Luciferindcok21 (talkcontribs)

@Osnard Is there any way to Switch all revision older than a specific date to a provided user (e.g. Anonymous) without actually merging the user?

example id user1 has made changes 10 years ago, history should be displaying name as anonymous user.

Osnard (talkcontribs)

I am not aware of any such function. There are extensions like Extension:BlueSpicePrivacy that implement some sort of "anonymization" or "pseudonymization", but I dnot sure if this will suit your needs.

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