Topic on Extension talk:Translate/Archive 2

Maybe also a Cache Issue (or /i18n issue)?

W like wiki (talkcontribs)

Hello, I wanted to make a small layout edit (link in bold text) to c:Template:Global maintenance category but it doesn't work. Since there is no "/layout" subpage I did my edit on the "/i18n" subpage, but it doesn't work. Strangly my edit some times before on the same subpage was working. Does someone has an idea why? Is this a cache problem or has it sthg to do with /i18n? And I also can't change/edit the layout of "/i18n/en". It is just stated

This page cannot be updated manually. This page is a translation of the page Template:Global maintenance category/i18n and the translation can be updated using the translation tool.

Thx a lot already and best Regards!

W like wiki (talkcontribs)

Actually now it works, maybe a Cache problem!? But still strange for me, that I was not able to edit /i18n/en, but I am also not so experianced in i18n affairs, hmmm.

Nikerabbit (talkcontribs)
W like wiki (talkcontribs)

Thank you Nikerabbit! But this link is too general and says nothing about what is i18n. My focus is less in translating instead more in layout matters: How to change the layout of a tranlated page/template with these subpages.

  • Sometimes there is an /i18n/layout subpage, which is editable, here not
  • Here is an /i18n page what is editable
  • The subpage /i18n/en offers "edit" too on the tabs and it is possible to see the code, but then a message box as mentioned above appears.
  • For an other subpage like /i18n/de it offers only "tranlate" and no code is visible.

Do you understand or someone else has an answer or knows a more specific help page for that? So what the hell is i18n? :) Even on c:Commons:Localization nothing. Thx already!

Nikerabbit (talkcontribs)

Language code subpages of translatable pages (like /en, /de, etc.) are not directly editable and they are managed by the Translate extension.

W like wiki (talkcontribs)

Ok nikerabbit, that seems to be right for /i18n/en etc. but simple /en subpages (e.g. C:Template:Template category/en) are editable. Thats why I asking for this nowhere-explained-i18n-subpage-structure what seems to make a kind of difference!? Regards

Nikerabbit (talkcontribs)

Those aren't part of translatable pages. You can usually identify translatable pages by the "Other languages:" section at the top with blue circles.

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