Topic on Extension talk:CIForms/Flow

CIForms support MW 1.39 ?

Lotusccong (talkcontribs)

When we click the Download lick, it only show the 1.40, 1.41 and Master (latest development version) .

Which one that I should choose for MW 1.39 ?

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

I think always master, unfortunately the extension does not work on MW 1.41.0. I planned to do a general update of it but had other priorities meanwhile @Lotusccong

School4schools (talkcontribs)

Will look forward to update to MW 1.4+ Great and much appreciated extension!

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)

hello @School4schools thanks for your feedback, if you have a public use-case I can post it on the extension's page

School4schools (talkcontribs)

My site is I was interested in CIF forms for contact forms (I turned them off bc of spam) and quizzes for classes. I haven't implemented them yet, as this is a long-term, side-project. I do need to update to 1.41 for certain new features it brings, including for mobile viewing via MobileFrontend extension, which doesn't work w/ 1.39.

So I'm not a priority, but letting you know you have a great extension!

Thomas-topway-it (talkcontribs)
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