I just saw in this topic below (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:Xlczwiqmyio6ymei) that it's possible to set different content languages for source pages,but I think I need further instructions.
So I have to add $wgPageLanguageUseDB = true; to LocalSettings.php, but how then do I mark the content language of a page?
And does that mean anyone can create a page in any language on my wiki? Is that a good idea, or are there downsides? We have 10 active languages and I guess the ability to create a page in a different language than English would encourage more people to create content.
The downside I see: If e.g. the page is created in Japanese than every translator needs to know Japanese to translate the page in any language, or can they still translate from the English translation somehow? Also information will have to be added in the Japanese version of the page first then, right? Or can I e.g. switch the content language without losing the text in any language?