Topic on Extension talk:TimedMediaHandler/Flow

Poster / hero / thumbnail image for a video?

Calvin27516 (talkcontribs)

I see from the extension page that


"Display a video at its nominal size. Displays a still image from the midpoint with a play button to start an embedded player."

My first question is, why does the file have to be specified twice? When I specify it just once, it seems to work just fine. So I'm not sure what I am missing.

But my real question is, "Is there ay way to override the the default behavior of displaying a still image from the midpoint of the video?" I have uploaded a hero / poster image from the video as an image file. But I can't see any syntax that let's me specify it as the image to use.

Is this possible?

Tacsipacsi (talkcontribs)

My first question is, why does the file have to be specified twice? When I specify it just once, it seems to work just fine. So I'm not sure what I am missing.

The second occurrence is actually the caption, I have no idea why the examples look like this.

Is there ay way to override the the default behavior of displaying a still image from the midpoint of the video?

It is possible to override which frame of the video to display (using |thumbtime=). It is not possible to display a completely different image. (I’m not the developer who made this decision, but to be honest, I like that it’s this way: I always find it annoying when I click on a YouTube video, and the scene visible on the thumbnail – because of which I clicked on it – doesn’t come up at all in the video. With TimedMediaHandler’s restrictions, this couldn’t happen.)

Calvin27516 (talkcontribs)

Thank you for the response. I was so hung up on specifying an alternate image file the way YouTube lets do that I completely skipped over the thumbtime parameter. I can live with that.

TheDJ (talkcontribs)

I've corrected the examples (will take some time to update due to the translations)

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