Topic on Extension talk:SimpleSAMLphp/Flow

Could not load aMeuthentication plugin

Luciferindcok (talkcontribs)

mediawiki: 1.39.4

simplesamlphp 7

pluggableauth 7

I am getting the error Could not load authentication plugin

$wgPluggableAuth_Config['Log in using my SAML'] = [

'plugin' => 'SimpleSAMLphp',

'data' => [
 		'authSourceId' => 'default-sp',
 		'usernameAttribute' => '',
 		'realNameAttribute' => ['',''],
 		'emailAttribute' => ''

wfLoadExtension( 'PluggableAuth' );

wfLoadExtension( 'SimpleSAMLphp' );

$wgPluggableAuth_EnableAutoLogin = true;

$wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalLogin = false;

$wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalProperties = false;

$wgPluggableAuth_ButtonLabelMessage = 'Login';

$wgPluggableAuth_Class = 'SimpleSAMLphp';

$wgSimpleSAMLphp_InstallDir = '/var/simplesamlphp/';

installation path is added

storetype is sql 

$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_NONE;

$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_DB;


Osnard (talkcontribs)

This looks quite good. I did some reformatting and removed unnecessary configs. Can you try that?

wfLoadExtension( 'PluggableAuth' );
wfLoadExtension( 'SimpleSAMLphp' );

$wgPluggableAuth_EnableAutoLogin = true;
$wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalLogin = false;
$wgPluggableAuth_EnableLocalProperties = false;
$wgSimpleSAMLphp_InstallDir = '/var/simplesamlphp/';
$wgMainCacheType = CACHE_DB;
$wgPluggableAuth_Config['Log in using my SAML'] = [
    'plugin' => 'SimpleSAMLphp',
    'data' => [
 		'authSourceId' => 'default-sp',
 		'usernameAttribute' => '',
 		'realNameAttribute' => ['',''],
 		'emailAttribute' => ''
Testergt1302 (talkcontribs)

@Luciferindcok were you able to get it worked ? I am also getting same issue.


Osnard (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Could not load aMeuthentication plugin"