Hi, I added a custom booklet section to the WikiEditor toolbar. Unfortunately, when CodeEditor hides the default WikiEditor sections (advanced, characters and help), it additionally hides everything under the element with the "sections" class, which is exactly where WikiEditor has reserved space for booklet-related content (collapsed by default). Users can see the button on the toolbar, but the booklet itself remains hidden whatever you do. In order not to kill functionality, it seems best to be more discrete and just hide the specific booklets for the advanced, characters and help sections.
Topic on Extension talk:CodeEditor/Flow
I just noticed that someone else had bumped into what appears to be the same issue: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T284791
An easy css fix would be to replace `.codeEditor-ui-toolbar .sections` in in jquery.codeEditor.less with `.codeEditor-ui-toolbar .sections .section-advanced, .codeEditor-ui-toolbar .sections .section-characters, .codeEditor-ui-toolbar .sections .section-help`.
I don't see a particular reason why only those 3 should be hidden. There is a chance that implementing it like that would cause posts here with "why is it not hiding my custom booklet"... For whatever is written, someone might just as much expect the opposite.
You can of course always just locally override any CSS.
I'm not sure why it should hide things like characters at all, but you're right that use cases differ from one wiki to another. Anyway, it's good to have this on record if anyone else bumps into the same issue (although I can't find the search feature for this issue board). Will close.