Comments from the Hackathon discussion etherpad and meeting chat transcript
Helping other people, especially newcomers, have a better experience:
-- "Making the on ramp less terrible (or make it actually exist) for the people who come after me"
-- "That it might get better or easier for other people in the future"
-- Helping people who are "looking for starting points to enter into the documentation"
Improving the overall health of the system
-- "so by modifying or contributing to technical documentation, it's a long-term goal towards having a "better system" I guess." (+1)
-- "Making things easier for my future self" (+1)
The challenge and fun of translating tech to human
Making content more correct ( (Duty Calls))
Helping increase understanding by adding simple clarifications:
-- " I feel good about adding simple clarifications to installation instructions on We can wikilink to some explanation of unexplained things (PCRE? what's that? replace by [[PCRE]]) or clarify what directory a script should be run from, etc. "