Topic on 2017 wikitext editor/Feedback

Is it possible to receive edittools in 2017 wikitext editor?

Bicolino34 (talkcontribs)

I'm editing Wiktionary and I often need to quickly add a template, and it's much faster to do through the editools menu. Unfortunately, it's only available in wikitext editor 2010. Is it possible to receive it in 2017 editor?

1992 FARHAAD (talkcontribs)

Do you mean "the editing toolbar" of 2010 wikitext editor?

"Is it possible to receive it in 2017 editor?"

NO, 2017 wikitext editor is not enabled by default, so you can continue to use the 2010 wikitext editor.

1992 FARHAAD (talkcontribs)
Whatamidoing (WMF) (talkcontribs)

phab:T96710 suggests being able to choose templates from a menu. The idea is that each wiki could make a short list of the most popular templates, and for anything else, you could search for them. Does that sound like something that would meet your goal?

It could probably be written as a VisualEditor/Gadgets, but I don't think anyone has ever tried it.

Bicolino34 (talkcontribs)

Thanks, that's exactly what I need.

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