Topic on Extension talk:MultimediaViewer/Flow

Nicolas senechal (talkcontribs)

I have a stupid question, but I don't find the answer sorry...

Which format can support this extension?

Because I notice that with jpeg it work very well but with bmp he dones't work (in my wiki) so maybe it's in the configuration?

Tacsipacsi (talkcontribs)

There’s an undocumented parameter named $wgMediaViewerExtensions, with the default value of

	'jpg' => 'default',
	'jpeg' => 'default',
	'gif' => 'default',
	'svg' => 'default',
	'png' => 'default',
	'tiff' => 'default',
	'tif' => 'default'

So I think you can just set

$wgMediaViewerExtensions['bmp'] = 'default';

in your LocalSettings.php—and hope that the extension doesn’t make any assumptions that aren’t true for BMP. (I should also add that I don’t have MultimediaViewer installed on my own wiki, so everything I wrote is based on reading the source code, I haven’t actually tried out anything.)

Nicolas senechal (talkcontribs)

Its work thanks you for the tips,

It's possible to document $wgMediaViewerExtensions?

Derf Jagged (talkcontribs)

Commenting here because Google took me here and others might be in the same situation..

The solution above didn't work for me, but I got around it by adding the following to my LocalSettings.php so it uses ImageMagick (built-in) instead of PHP to handle images:

$wgUseImageMagick = true;

$wgImageMagickConvertCommand = "/usr/bin/convert";

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