Topic on Extension talk:Cognitive Process Designer/Flow

Showing "Saving process..." but could not save

Asd135441 (talkcontribs)


I'm using MW 1.35 and regularly installed the PageForms and CPD. I can successfully edit the graph, but I could not save the model. It keeps on showing "Saving process..." but could not save. How could I solve this ?

Asd135441 (talkcontribs)

I found that it does save all the nodes after saving but I cannot load the graph. The frontend in 1.35 doesn't have the "Load" Option, it just prompts the ID's name and after I entered the ID (name) , it returns me a new page. But every time I add new nodes in the blank page, these nodes still get saved as pages. (talkcontribs)

I have exactly the same issue - have you found a solution to this issue?

Osnard (talkcontribs)

Could you please open the browsers development tools (F12) and check if there are any errors reported to the "Console"?

Asd135441 (talkcontribs)

Sure. When I enter the Special:Cognitive_Process_Designer_Edit page, there are 2 warnings :

This page is using the deprecated ResourceLoader module "jquery.ui". Please use OOUI instead.
JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.delegate() is deprecated

And after I enter the name "test" in the search bar , an error occured:

VM283:107 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null
    at Object.mapDiagramWikiToXml (<anonymous>:107:340)
    at <anonymous>:125:97
    at fire (load.php?lang=en&modules=ext.cognitiveProcessDesignerEdit.bpmn-js|jquery%2Coojs-ui-core%2Coojs-ui-widgets|jquery.ui&skin=vector&version=10mw1:519)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (load.php?lang=en&modules=ext.cognitiveProcessDesignerEdit.bpmn-js|jquery%2Coojs-ui-core%2Coojs-ui-widgets|jquery.ui&skin=vector&version=10mw1:520)
    at Object.deferred.<computed> [as resolve] (load.php?lang=en&modules=ext.cognitiveProcessDesignerEdit.bpmn-js|jquery%2Coojs-ui-core%2Coojs-ui-widgets|jquery.ui&skin=vector&version=10mw1:523)
    at Object.<anonymous> (<anonymous>:141:391)
    at fire (load.php?lang=en&modules=ext.cognitiveProcessDesignerEdit.bpmn-js|jquery%2Coojs-ui-core%2Coojs-ui-widgets|jquery.ui&skin=vector&version=10mw1:519)
    at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (load.php?lang=en&modules=ext.cognitiveProcessDesignerEdit.bpmn-js|jquery%2Coojs-ui-core%2Coojs-ui-widgets|jquery.ui&skin=vector&version=10mw1:520)
    at done (load.php?lang=en&modules=ext.cognitiveProcessDesignerEdit.bpmn-js|jquery%2Coojs-ui-core%2Coojs-ui-widgets|jquery.ui&skin=vector&version=10mw1:602)
    at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (load.php?lang=en&modules=ext.cognitiveProcessDesignerEdit.bpmn-js|jquery%2Coojs-ui-core%2Coojs-ui-widgets|jquery.ui&skin=vector&version=10mw1:605)
Osnard (talkcontribs)

Can you also provide the server response that leads to this issue= It should be some call to api.php (talkcontribs)


I am having the same problem (stuck at "saving process"). The development console says Uncaught TypeError: this.savingProgressDialog is null. When I press the edit button, I also get an "Uncaught TypeError: ext.cpd is undefined" error. Can someone help me out here, please?

Thank you in advance!


AKulbii (talkcontribs)

Hi Attila,

Such problem should not appear with the latest extension code, could you try to update it please?

Attila.horvath (talkcontribs)


Thank you for trying to help me! I updated the extension, now I have:

CognitiveProcessDesigner 2.1-alpha (2db6616)20:07, 2023 January 10

However, the problem persists, I am getting the following error messages:

[Log] JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed with logging active, version 3.3.2 (load.php, line 658)

[Log] Exception in module-execute in module ext.cognitiveProcessDesigner.editor: (load.php, line 2)

[Warning] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: bs (load.php, line 2)

(anonymous function) — load.php:36:194

runScript — load.php:13:289

execute — load.php:14:888

doPropagation — load.php:7:400

(anonymous function) — load.php:24:368

[Error] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'new ext.cpd.ProgressBarDialog')

init (load.php:23:923)

editBPMN (load.php:33:443)

(anonymous function) (load.php:36:110)

dispatch (load.php:583:266)

[Warning] LoadBPMNFromWiki failed:[object Object] (load.php, line 32)

[Error] TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating '')

saveBPMN (load.php:33:751)

(anonymous function) (load.php:33:327)

dispatch (load.php:583:266)

Martin schilliger (talkcontribs)

I have the same problem, MediaWiki 1.39.1 and tried different versions of CognitiveProcessDesigner, right now I use:

Version 2.2-alpha, REL1_39, 2023-01-12T12:05:01, e41a11a

Attila.horvath (talkcontribs)


I tried

CognitiveProcessDesigner 2.1-alpha (13aa826)20:07, 2023 January 17

to no avail, the exact same symptoms arose :(

Attila.horvath (talkcontribs)


Is there any update on this problem? I keep trying, installing every new version that appears on github :(

AKulbii (talkcontribs)

Hi Attila!

I'm very sorry for such a late answer, I lost that issue from my scope for a while. I thought that I'll receive a notification about any answer, but I had it turned off in my preferences... Now I fixed that.

Finally I found the issue you described and fixed it. Please update to extension version 2.0.8 and check if it works.

AKulbii (talkcontribs)

Update: if you have MediaWiki version 1.36 or above - then just use corresponding extension REL1_XX branch.

For example, if you use MediaWiki 1.39 - branch REL1_39 should be used.

Attila.horvath (talkcontribs)

Hi AKulbii!

Thank you, I tried 2.0.8. Now the extension starts saving (got a progress bar), then a message shows up that says:

Error occurred! Failed uploading SVG

The console drops this:

error: {code: "verification-error", info: "The XML in the uploaded file could not be parsed.", details: ["uploadinvalidxml"]

*: "See for API usage. Subscribe to the mediawiki-api-announce mailing list a…"

code: "verification-error"

details: ["uploadinvalidxml"] (1)

info: "The XML in the uploaded file could not be parsed."

The article that contains the bpmn xml is there though, and I can reopen the bpmn diagram for editing.

AKulbii (talkcontribs)

Hi Attila

Probably that's issue with UTF-16 symbols in BPMN diagram, which I'm aware of.

Finally fixed that yesterday, I'll give you an update when fix will be pushed to extension repository. It should happen soon.

AKulbii (talkcontribs)

Hi Attila

Finally that UTF-16 symbols issue is fixed. Could you please update your extension?

You can try 2.0.10 version.

Dueni.f (talkcontribs)


I have the error "Veröffentlichen der Diagrammelemente im Wiki fehlgeschlagen" on saving using mediawiki 1.39.1 and CognitiveProcessDesigner 2.2-alpha (8776fa2) 13:09, 1. Mär. 2023

svg Uploads are enabled

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