Topic on Skin talk:Metrolook

SOLVED - hack to get 7.0 alpha 3 (48c1b49) to work in MW 1.34.x

Summary by Revansx


skin.json: "MediaWiki": ">= 1.36.0"


skin.json: "MediaWiki": ">= 1.34.0"

and then

replace every occurrence of makeMetroLookListItem with makeListItem in /skins/Metrolook/MetrolookTemplate.php

as well as the last line from:

return $this->getSkin()->makeListItem( $key, $item, $options );


return parent::makeListItem( $key, $item, $options );
Revansx (talkcontribs)

I'm running:

but i'm having some minor issues and was wondering if the developers would recommend using -b master

Please advise. What is the best version for most up-to-date version compatible with MW 1.34.x. Thansk!

TeeEmCee (talkcontribs)

I've found that the REL1_35 release of Metrolook is incompatible with MW 1.34.x, due to use of Skin::makeListItem() which doesn't exist. (Metrolook commit b8f4807ccc6f3f9b)

Revansx (talkcontribs)

So.. I installed version:REL1_35 in my MW 1.34.4 wiki and then replaced every occurrence of makeMetroLookListItem with makeListItem in /skins/Metrolook/MetrolookTemplate.php and it seems to be working great!

Note - this effectively just "undoes" metrolook commmit b8f4807ccc6f3f9b114ada830d664703e02aee68

Revansx (talkcontribs)


skin.json: "MediaWiki": ">= 1.36.0"


skin.json: "MediaWiki": ">= 1.34.0"

and then

replace every occurrence of makeMetroLookListItem with makeListItem in /skins/Metrolook/MetrolookTemplate.php