Thanks, I'm trying to set the configuration variable of extension:CreateUserPage with the value of the Real Name from the WSOAuth WSOAuthAfterGetUser Hook. But it's not working. Either the Hooks runs too late (after CreateUSerPage does its thing or i'm writing it incorrectly. The snipit below in my LocalSettings is supposed to create the user's user page with the wikitext being the Real Name from the WSOAuth Login. But it doesn't work.
wfLoadExtension( "CreateUserPage" );
$wgCreateUserPage_OnLogin = true;
function onWSOAuthAfterGetUser(&$user_info, &$errorMessage) {
$wgCreateUserPage_PageContent = $user_info['realname'];
$wgHooks['WSOAuthAfterGetUser'][] = 'onWSOAuthAfterGetUser';