Topic on Talk:Reading/Multimedia/Structured Data/Technical requirements

Structured data on Commons

Niklitov (talkcontribs)
Keegan (WMF) (talkcontribs)

Both captions and descriptions are can be added during the upload process, there is not a way to hide it there. You can hide captions from file pages in your preferences on Commons.

Niklitov (talkcontribs)

Hello, dear Keegan! Thank you very much for your attention! Please find my detailed request on Commons (ex: mistakes). I personally support the idea of Structured data on Commons, but this is the work of bots. IMHO, new users must not see this service information (Structured data with Special:UploadWizard process). Because it causes a logical error: instead of a file description, the participant fills out a Structured data. It should not be. Please hide Structured data interface while downloading. So it was before. File description is more important to make a person. Best Regards, Nikolai Litvinov (WMRU)

Wargo (talkcontribs)

No, this is not work for bots. Currently bots can't interpret pictures and generate texts.

Niklitov (talkcontribs)

Szanowny Panie Wargo! The bot can analyze the description of the photo by keyword. :) That is at least enough for today. This is half the job. Why do new users do it? It takes serious resources. The result is an empty file description. This is mistake. IMHO, It should not be. Please consider how to do this. Z poważaniem, Mikołaj Litwinów

Niklitov (talkcontribs)

Sorry, Wargo! (It was a random typo.) I think, need a bot operation algorithm to fill the Structured data based on the file description.

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