Topic on Extension talk:DocBookExport/Flow

An empty PDF is generated no matter what page structure is provided

ClemFlip (talkcontribs)

Hi Friends,

Thank you for providing this extension. However, I am having difficulties to make it work!

I installed the extension and the dependencies without problem. But, as a result, an empty PDF is generated no matter what page structure is provided.

I looked into the code: In the callback function parseDocBookSyntax( &$parser, $options ) linked to the magic word ID "docbook", a property docbook with all the parameters for generating pdfs is supposed to be saved in the page_props table, but nothing is actually saved in this table ("var_dumping" the result of the query to this table in DocBookExportAPI always returns false).

Thanks for your help. Clement

Nischayn22 (talkcontribs)

Hi Clement,

Did you try var_dumping before its saving to the page_props table?

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