Topic on Talk:Content translation/V2

Pallares (talkcontribs)

First of all, thanks for your work, it seems now a more powerful tool. I observe the possibility to add categories, don‘t lose the references and  mark some errors (your translation title contains invalid characters). To improve/comment:

An important problem: the tool don’t create automatically the link between the article of the wikipedia original and the element wikidata. It’s necessary to do it manually

Before, if in the original text, there was an internal link, and in the destination did not exist the article, the tool deleted the link. Now it leaves the red link. I prefer the solution in version 1

In reference to the templates, I prefer that only remained the name of template, without parameters. You know, in the catalan Wikipedia, we have worked this question.

It doesn’t translate well the dates, but I think that it is a problem of the original structure in texts in French.

Pginer-WMF (talkcontribs)

Thanks for the feedback @Pallares.

Links in Wikidata not being automatically created is a regression we need to fix (more details in this ticket).

Based on your comment, I proposed a new ticket to adjust the behaviour of the missing links. Feel free to share more details or track the progress.

Regarding templates, can you provide an example of the original template you were translating, the result you got for the translation, and the expected result you'd prefer?

Regarding the dates we can consider some improvements (e.g., in the context of templates), but the improvement of the external translation services is out of the scope of Content Translation.

Pallares (talkcontribs)

1.Based on your comment, I proposed a new ticket to adjust the behaviour of the missing links. Ok. Així funciona la wiki anglesa. Penso que és millor.

2 can you provide an example of the original template you were translating? Pau, en la wiki catalana s'ha treballat molt en el tema de les plantilles, i aquestes beuen directament de wikidata, sense haver d'afegir paràmetres. Per exemple, ho pots veure i provar a, per exemple, <nowiki>{{infotaula persona}}</nowiki>. Per exemple: amb l'article ''Denise Richards''. A la catalana, no afegim res més. A l'anglesa, francesa....tots els paràmetres que vulguin. A nosaltres no ens cal. Ho "bevem " de wikidata.

3 En relació amb els serveis externs de traducció, segueixo en la batalla amb/junt a/ Apertium. Les coses són lentes...

Gràcies per posar-vos, una salutació també a la noieta d'origen xinès, ho sento no recordo el nom. Vam coincidir a la Hackathon. L'endemà, no vaig poder anar

Pginer-WMF (talkcontribs)

Moltes gràcies pels comentaris, com sempre.

Respecte al suport a plantilles que beuen de wikidata, he creat un tiquet específic. Imagine que la complexitat estarà en distingir quines plantilles beuen de Wikidata i quines no per tractar-les de manera diferent. Però ho investigarem.

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