Topic on Talk:LDAP hub/Flow

Any road map about this project ?

BluAlien (talkcontribs)


is there any roadmap about implementation of this LDAP Hub and replacemente of Extension:LDAP Authentication ?

Osnard (talkcontribs)

Unfortunately not. There has some progress been made, but there is no official release yet. On the upcoming Wikimedia Hackathon 2018 in Barcelona I plan to coordinate with the other project members. Hopefully there is more to say after this event.

Namtr0 (talkcontribs)

@osnard Did anything happen at the Hackathon? I'm just getting going but will have to roll back to 1.27 for better LDAP support. (talkcontribs)

@Osnard: Anything new to report after the hackathon? Perhaps an estimate of percentage feature-completeness for an alpha, or description of the progress made?

Any sort of road-map would help us as we decide what to do with our aging ldap-using wiki.

Osnard (talkcontribs)

Unfortunately I did not make the progress I planned. What are your requirements? Maybe they are already met by the current feature set of the stack. (talkcontribs)

@Osnard: So far, we've been using the extension for ldap authentication against Active Directory, with lookups restricted to a particular group/OU, and are quite happy. We're just worried about upgrading to 1.27+.

Beyond that, we've assigned elevated rights where needed within mediawiki. It would be nice if we could easily map mediawiki groups to particular ldap groups/OUs (regular user vs bureaucrat vs admin), but we haven't looked that hard at that possibility, and it isn't a dealbreaker for us, obviously.

Really, we're just looking for something that claims to work with the latest versions of mediawiki without a lot of little patches here and there. Maybe just some more clarity on what does and does not work in 1.27+ would help? If auto-auth doesn't work, does the rest generally work without hacks? I can't make heads or tails of what's in the extensions's pages as to what is working vs broken, which makes it hard to address the sysadmin's concerns. In particular, there's a lot of activity in the ldap extension talk area, and then this hub.What's the community's goal -- repair or replace?

Namtr0 (talkcontribs)

@Osnard for me it's more the problem of already built on 1.30 and wanting to auth against AD and have groups given access there. I have not spent much time working with older versions as I was hoping to not have to roll back to get it working. I do have a test of bluespice up just to see how it works, but it seems a bit bloated compared to the 1.30 install I currently have.

I was hoping for a clean AD connection after the event. Do you know if I can get any Authentication working with the 1.30 install through AD?


Osnard (talkcontribs)
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